Chapter 13

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Dedicated to all my wonderful readers who never cease to motivate me, and I love seeing the names of your reading lists to which this book is being added, they are LOVE :) I couldn't withhold this chapter from you any longer.

Aahil kept a gentle hand on my shoulder and retrieved the piece of paper. He ran a shaky hand through his silky mane, "You are not to worry, this man is only trying to scare you."

I nodded my head robotically, still in turmoil.

"I assure you that I will not allow anyone to harm you,' He delivered with confidence, "Do you get that?"

"Of course you wouldn't allow it, as you are incapable of reaching the billion dollars without me," I replied sarcastically.

"Aleena ....," he clenched his teeth, "this isn't about money."

"I don't care who gets the file and stop acting like my bodyguard. I am quite capable of protecting myself," I snarled.

" did you just say? You don't care who gets the file," He grated.

I showed indifference.

He let out a small laugh, "Why would you care for other people's lives, as all that matter's to you is money. After all, what can one expect from a gold-digger."

I was not going to cry in front of him and give him the satisfaction of him knowing that he had hurt me.

"Your father worked for years on that project. He had almost reached the end. His research has the power to save a thousand lives and if it reaches the hands of a wrong person, then the danger it could cause to mankind at large," he paled, "The mere thought makes my stomach sink."

He glared at me, "Your father was crazy to imagine that a silly girl like you would understand its importance!"

I fled to the bathroom without replying.

"Come out this instance. I am not done with you."

He knocked on the bathroom door, "You act like a schoolgirl, immature, argument and tears every five seconds."

I left the shower open which drained his voice coming from outside. I didn't need any more words from him. Did not want them at all. I understood too well my importance in his life, and the understanding made my heartache.

I was just a means to reach that file. All the care and concern was for the person who had knowledge of the whereabouts of a file worthy of a billion-dollar.

Sometimes, I wondered,

What would happen after the file was found?

Would Aahil still want me around?

The police commandant, Henry Schiffer, three uniformed policemen and detective Green hamilton were seated in the living room with a grim expression on their face.

Henry Schiffer eyed the envelope with gloves on his hands and then passed it onto the handwriting expert who after staring at it for another few minutes dropped it into a bag.

'Have them tested for fingerprints too,' Detective green hamilton exclaimed and the handwriting expert nodded his head.

He then turned to Aahil, "Sir do you need protection?"

Aahil shook his head, "We already have security here but it is a shame that the person who sneaked into the villa isn't captured in any of the security cameras."

"Which states that he knows this place thoroughly," Henry Schiffer exclaimed thoughtfully.

"Maybe," Aahil replied meekly.

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