Chapter 6

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"Mum, I think Tom is a bit rich," Sam whispered when I tucked him in, a little embarrassed. Emma, who'd been eavesdropping at the door, entered Sam's bedroom. Closing the door behind her she corrected Sam, "No. He's way to cool. I think he's trying to impress mum."

"Of course he is, stupid."

"Hey," I scolded, but was ignored while the kids continued discussing Tom's financial situation and intentions.

"But he must have a lot of money to pay for all this," Sam continued.

"He probably puts it on his credit card," Emma responded.

"And I think," I tried to stop their discussion, "it's time for you to go to bed. Don't worry about Tom's money or if he's trying to impress anyone. Do you like him? That is the important question?"

"He's awesome," they both answered in unison with bright smiles on their faces. "He is so much fun," Emma clarified.

After making sure they were both in bed, I made my way to find Tom. As the downstairs lights were all off, I headed straight for the bedroom. Opening the door, at least a hundred vanilla candles illuminated the room, throwing flickering shadows against the wall. Soft rose pedals covered the bed and floor. The scent was mind-numbing. My breath caught at the sight of Tom's efforts. Wasn't this the stuff they only did in movies?

As I couldn't find Tom, I decided to follow the trail of petals up the stairs to the bathroom. What has he in mind? Anticipating, I opened the door. The soft melody of Diana Ross and Lionel Ritchie's Endless Love greeted me. In the midst of the large marble bathroom, by dimmed candlelight, Tom sat in the round bath tub, his bedroom eyes locking with mine. As I came closer, I saw rose paddles surrounding him in the milky looking water. On the side table next to the tub was a bottle of champagne and in chocolate dipped strawberries. Oh my.

I tried to keep up with Tom's seductive impression, but as I approached, we both couldn't hide our smiles any longer. I slowly came to a halt in front of the tub. We both hadn't said a word, only the soft music filling the air. In previous relationships I used to be rather reserved when it came to sex, never instigating it. With Tom, it was different. He made me feel so desirable. In turn, it felt only natural to be enticing for him. Gradually, I opened the sipper of my dress, not leaving his gaze. Intentionally slow, I slipped the straps of my dress off my shoulders, moving my hips to the soft music in the background. Tom's faster breaths let little waves ripple on the water surface, sending the rose petals floating around the tub. Tom straightened up, his eyes fixed on mine. Movie-like, I turned around, settled on the edge of the tub right next to his face, inviting him to open the tied back of my black bikini. Speechless, Tom obeyed. The tension between us filled, the air becoming hard to breath. This was hot, real hot. At the touch of his warm, smooth fingers a shiver ran through my spine, sending stars in front my eyes. I gasped. Then, considering the effect it would have on Tom, I deliberately stood up, with my back still facing him and striped down my bikini pants. Gracefully, I turned around, sinking my feet in the warm water. The smooth texture of the water bathed my body; its honey scent bewitched my senses.

Ungracefully, I slipped. Last minute, I was able to hold on to the edge of the tub with one hand, with the other on Tom's chest. There went my art of seduction. "Careful, Engel!" Tom gently led me down to lie on top of him. I nestled my head into the hollow between his head and neck. My back was stretched out over his entire front side, feeling his erection against my bum cheek. Tom kissed my head while wrapping his arms around my waist, then finding their way to my breasts. But I wanted to see him, and the position I was in was not the most comfortable one. With all the skills I had, I turned around without causing any further dramas. I nestled my head against his neck and enticingly run my fingertips over his wet body.

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