Chapter 32

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Stepping out onto the driveway in the dark, an immediate frenzy of flashing cameras greeted us. I had gotten used to one or two reporters around at times, but this was almost as bad as after the court case. They wouldn't walk down the driveway and I wondered if there was some law that prevented them from doing so, but the way they were crowding on top of the road was scary.

"What is going on?" Hannah shouted as she left the house behind me. Tom was already at the car, holding the front door open for me and the back one for Hannah, both at the same time, urging us to climb in. Hannah was in first. After Tom closed the door behind her, I embraced him tightly, kissing him. I was in a very happy mood, happy to share with the world.

"What are you doing?" Tom asked playful against my lips.

"Giving them what they are after," I answered coquettish, hinting at his slogan at the park a few weeks earlier.

I then hopped in the car. Tom closed my door for me before sitting down in the driver's seat and securing his phone in the holder he had just purchased that week. After putting the car in reverse, he slowly drove up the driveway towards the crowd of reporters.

"What the fuck are they doing up there?" Hannah shouted, shocked.

"Must be the engagement news," Tom replied randomly, while continuing to move the car towards the crowd. We were close now and it was dark, but they showed no signs of moving. Strained, Tom looked through the rear-view mirror as he continued his approach.

"You should probably stop, Tom. They're not leaving."

"They will," he assured me without doubt, when suddenly four men, dressed in black suits appeared and managed to push the reporters like a herd of sheep to the side. As soon as the exit was clear, Tom sped out and a black Cadillac Escalade followed us. I couldn't see much in the dark, but I was certain Roger was on our heels, and I was glad. But four security guards on top of the driveway, that surely was over the top. Secretly I wondered if Tom had sent anyone to follow the twins around. Knowing him, I was certain I knew the answer.

"Do you really think this much security is necessary," I asked Tom doubtful once we had reached the main road.

"Absolutely, yes." His eyes didn't leave the road. Only occasionally Tom risked a glance into the rear-view mirror.

"I find it quite scary to be honest," I expressed my concern, hoping to get a little more information out of him.

"Well, in that case I'll hire more. The point of them is that you feel safe." Tom wouldn't discuss his security arrangements with me. I knew that and decided not to dwell on it. After all, I was usually the one freaking out when reporters were chasing us while Tom kept his cool.

Hannah sat quietly in the back seat. Our skeptical eyes met a few times in the rear-view mirror. We both didn't dare say a word. When my phone vibrated in my bag I instinctively hurried to get it out, expecting it to be the kids. Instead, it was a message from the back seat. I risked a glance in the mirror to find Hannah uncomfortably looking out the side window into the dark night.


What's going on? Creepy!


I quickly typed my reply.


Don't worry. He's just being careful.


Not even five seconds after I hit the send button, Hannah's phone gave a faint vibrating sound.

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