Chapter 13

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"Are you sleeping?" I whispered to Tom who hadn't moved much for the past ten minutes next to me on Corey's lounge.

"No, you?"

"No," I quietly laughed. "I can't."

"I'd love to get you all tired now." Tom wrapped himself tighter around me. "What a pity, Mrs Umbrell is sleeping it off in the guest room. Why didn't her husband come to pick her up?"

"Apparently Corey couldn't get hold of him." Feeling Tom's hard body wrapped around mine had a relaxing affect on me.

"Yes, it's quite tough on Dave, you know."

"It must be tough on you that your friends and family don't approve of me."

"Oh, Tom." I turned around to face him, even though I couldn't see his face. With both my hands I cupped his face, feeling the fine stubble on his chin, prickling my palms. "They don't know you the way I do. But they will, and then they will love you, too. And Hannah was drunk, and she's had bad experiences with guys. She'll get there." I turned around again, offering my backside to Tom to spoon.

"You look incredibly sexy when you're angry though, you know that?" Tom whispered in my ear, gently stroking his chin over my cheek, nibbling my earlobe. My body immediately responded to his touch, spreading out to all my sensitive places. How could he have this affect on me?

Tom's upper hand moved under the light cotton sheet to the rim of my pyjama top, slowly moving it upwards. It drove me insane. The slightest touch combined with the knowledge that it wouldn't lead to the needed release. Our backs were turned to the kids, but this intimacy in their presence already crossed my line. I shoved Tom's hand back. "We can't. We need to sleep." Oh, how I longed to feel Tom inside me. The thought of the forbidden made me crave his touch even more.

Tom continued to softly stroking up and down my thighs, then, casually one swift move higher up. I shrug. Tom's erection throbbed against my back, his deeper breaths sensitising my skin.

"Sssshh," Tom breathed against my ear, sending stars in front my eyes.

Tom slowly got up, pulling me gently behind him. From the table, he picked up his set of keys without making a sound. Embracing me from behind, he tenderly pushed me ahead. The door made a startling creaking sound when Tom opened it. I stood still, turning my head, checking, the twins didn't wake up. "Ssshhh," Tom whispered again, biting my earlobe a bit harder this time. Both of his arms were wrapped around my waist, his hands covering mine. Tom warily shut the door and urged me through the dark hallway towards the entry. Only the street lamp that shone through the living room window gave a dim light and outlined the features of the hallway. "I'm going to get you tired," Tom promised, circling his tongue inside my ear. I was on the edge.

"Wait here," Tom ordered. He went into the kitchen where he grabbed Corey's house keys. "Ssshhh," Tom whispered again against my ear, combing my hair back, sucking my neck with relish. When the entry door to Corey's apartment finally snapped shut, I could no longer contain myself. In the pitch dark corridor, I span around and threw myself at him. My hands on his firm butt, moving to the front, up and down his six-pack and chest. Tom picked me up, my legs clutching around his waist, kissing him with need. Pushing me against the elevator door, Tom pressed the button.

When the lift arrived, Tom pushed me in, pressing the button to the garage. As the elevator descended, soft music sounding in the background, I pressed the stop button. Tom looked at me, his eyes on fire.

"I fucking need you now, Tom." And I pulled down his black pyjama shorts. "I need you, Tom. I need you."

The buttons on Tom's pyjama shirt moved heavily up and down as he watched me plead. I took hold of his shirt, pulling it over his head. There he stood in front of me, naked, beautiful, aroused for me, ready for me, but not making a move. Tom closed his eyes.

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