Chapter 2

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After breakfast, Tom kept his promise. "You don't need your swimmers," he stated when I started getting changed.

"Yes, I do." I countered. "I'm not going to start running around naked all day." The truth was, I didn't feel comfortable running around my backyard without clothes. To my relief, Tom decided on wearing boxer shorts as well. It was another beautiful sunny day and the water was refreshingly cool. I did indeed get to swim a few laps before Tom pulled me aside, wrapping me in yet another deep kiss.

"You should have told me from the start how amazing these French kisses are," he allured me.

Tom was just squeezing my butt, and I was all over his tousled hair, when it echoed from the pool fence, "Oh shit! I'm sorry, Lisa."

Hannah was standing at the gate, staring at Tom and me in disbelieve, ashamed. Oh, how I was glad to be wearing this bikini.

I felt my face blush and freed myself from Tom's embrace to get out of the pool and meet Hannah at the gate. It took Tom a few more minutes before he was ready to follow.

"Hi, Hannah!" he cheerfully waved at her. Hannah looked at Tom with a blank stare and without saying a word.

"What is happening here?" she screeched in disbelieve. "I can't leave you out of sight for one moment."

"He came back!" I shrugged my shoulders in defeat. I grabbed a beach towel and wrapped it around my shoulders, then went inside with Hannah, leaving Tom behind with an apologetic look. While I felt embarrassed having been caught in the act, Tom seemed to be amused, wearing a cocky smile.

The kitchen looked like a bomb had exploded after our breakfast table affair.

"Are you serious," Hannah scolded me. "He's an ass, no he isn't, yes he is. I thought he went back overseas last week?"

"He did. Now he's back."

"Lisa, He's a player. I know one when I see one. In a few days, you're going to sit here on your own again."

I told Hannah everything that had happened between Tom and me, that he was staying for good, that I loved him, but she remained skeptical. I couldn't blame her. After all, deep down, I myself didn't trust this was going to last.

When Tom joined us in the living room, he must have noticed that Hannah wasn't content with the situation, so he left us to it, cleaning the kitchen.

"I just don't want you to get hurt again," Hannah explained. "What happened to Scott? He seems to be such a nice guy. Like the real deal."

"Tom blows me away. And it's not just the sex. I trust him, completely."

"Did you just voluntarily use the S-word?" Hannah chuckled while her face lit up slightly. I shrug my shoulders in response.

"Just be careful, honey." Hannah left, making me promise to call anytime I need her.

"Well, that was embarrassing," I giggled when joining Tom in the kitchen.

"Why? She shouldn't just come in here."

"She always does when I don't answer the door. She has a key. I told her to. I don't have a doorbell and I can't hear the knocking in the backyard."

"Now that would be an investment, wouldn't it?" Tom swooped me off the floor and carried me back down to the pool, where we continued what we had started earlier.

Lying on the sun lounge, I just had to ask Tom about his rowing successes. It's been on my mind ever since I saw the photos of him. He was surprised that I found out about it.

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