Chapter 18

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I accompanied Tom to his health examination which he required to get a permanent visa granted. Arriving in the large open waiting area crowded with other migrants reminded me of the time when I was sitting there, on my own with two babies in the stroller. I had applied for residency before the twins were born, to get permission granted to stay in Australia while my application was being processed. As I had been pregnant, I was not permitted to undergo the required x-rays. Therefore, the application was being put on hold until the twins were born. I remembered as if it was yesterday how I had to wait for hours until it was my turn to be lead from one examination room to the next, having to ask for private space in between to breast feed and change the babies. That particular day had been torture. Peter, of course, had not been able to come along or look after the twins.

Tom's examination, however, was completed within no time. I asked him if he made a special request, or paid extra, but he negated. The Department of Immigration probably had their fingers in the speedy progress of Tom's examinations. Even his results, including the blood tests, came back before the end of the business day and he was informed of it personally.

While I was getting ready for my spa night with Hannah, Tom spoke over video chat to the Minister of Immigration and the Minister of Employment. Peaking from the side, so I could see the screen without being seen, Tom appeared to be the one with the big attitude. They discussed an official hand over of Tom's visa and opening ceremony of the office building Tom bought, or we bought, as Tom always pointed out. Friday would be the big day.

Hannah and I enjoyed the spa evening to the fullest. I'd never had a full pamper package before, just the occasional mask or therapy here and there. It was like heaven: Scrub, mask, massage and oil treatment all inclusive. The session was finished with a mani-pedi. I felt incredible. Since we didn't really get to talk much during our therapy sessions, we used the tea room afterwards for a quiet talk over a pot of relaxing green tea. The small room was dimmed, illuminated in green light and decorated in Asian style with flowers and water features. Sitting on large cushions on the floor, Hannah told me with the biggest grin on her face that Scott had called her again the previous night, just to talk. She was absolutely smitten by him, and it seemed, so was he.

"Does it bother you that I'm going out with Scott?" Hannah asked a little embarrassed.

"No, not at all. I'm happy for you. I hope it works out. I think you'd make a great couple."

"Thanks, I hope that too. He seems to be a great guy. So different to all the others I've seen recently. He is steady, normal, and responsible."

"Yes, I think he is. Fingers crossed for dinner night. Your skin glows already after the session and your eyes started glowing the moment you laid them on him."

"True," Hannah answered, reminiscing about the first time she saw Scott. "I already thought he was staggering when he picked you up for your date. Does Tom know, by the way?"

"Yeah! I told him. Actually – he knew already when he returned."


"He was worried and had security placed outside my house."

Hannah looked at me like I was a crazy person. "Are you serious? That is not normal. He's a stalker."

"No, he's not," I defended Tom. I hadn't told Hannah about what had happened with Michael. In order for her to understand Tom's actions, I decided it was time to fill her in.

"Why didn't you tell me about Michael? Honey, that is so terrible. Thank goodness Tom had that Roger guy out there."

"I didn't want to worry you. You had enough on your plate with the whole Patrick situation."

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