Chapter 27

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With Tom's birthday coming up on Monday, Dave had offered to look after the kids Saturday night, giving me the opportunity to take Tom out. I hadn't told him about my plan to book a table at Doyle's in Watsons Bay and a room at the Watsons Bay Boutique Hotel with view of Sydney Harbour. He would love the seafood. After talking to the kids, we decided to spend Sunday at the zoo and Monday, with the kids at school for most of the day, it would just be a day at home with birthday cake, presents and average take away dinner.

"Where are we going?" Tom asked all happy and excited when I threw our bags, both packed by me, in the boot.

Deliberately ignoring him, I called out to the kids, "Listen to Dave and Corey and have fun. Love you!"

"Don't worry about us," Dave called back. "Just make sure you guys have a good time."

Hopping in the driver seat, I waited for Tom and that outrageously sexy smile to buckle up, before driving off, full of excitement. Tom grinned from ear to ear, asking non-stop where we were going. I started to doubt my decision. Maybe he expects more? But then I knew that he didn't expect anything. The times I had seen him happiest were when we did ordinary things. Not that this was ordinary but it wasn't completely out of this world either. I however had been looking forward to this day ever since Dave suggested it three days earlier, and Tom and I infected each other with our happy mood.

As we got closer to the city though, my nerves began showing. I was afraid of driving through the city, and avoided going over the Harbour Bridge or Tunnel by all means. Approaching North Sydney, Tom must have noticed that I got quieter.

"Would you like me to drive?" he asked sympathetically, placing his hand on top of mine, which were clinging on to the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles turned all white. Only once had I mentioned to him that I didn't like driving into the city.

"Would you mind?" I carefully asked back. "I'm trying to surprise you and then you have to drive yourself."

"Hey, I love driving. Relax. Just pull over here." I immediately felt much better on the other side of the car, giving Tom directions.

"You don't mind driving in the suburbs, do you?" Tom asked non-judgmental.

"No. As long as I know the way."

"But you do know the way. What makes you so nervous?"

"I don't know. I guess I've always been told that it's difficult and I should take the train. So that's what I did. And if I do have to drive through the city, I'm kind of freaking out now," I defended myself.

"Hey, don't worry. You did well. I know that you can do it, though. You're a good, careful driver. Whenever you like to give it a go, let me know."

"Thanks, Tom. Em, you have to turn left here."

When we arrived at Watsons Bay only fifteen minutes later I let Tom park on the street. He didn't know yet about the night stay, and I thought it would be nice to keep that surprise a bit longer.

"Let's go for a swim," I blithefully called out to Tom, grabbing the beach basket from the boot before running off. Tom was close on my heels after locking the car. We'd left all our belongings back.

It was a beautiful day. Bright blue sky, hardly any clouds and the thermometer had hit the thirty degree mark. Running towards the golden sand, I pulled my white shirt off and untied the orange sarong, dropping them on the ground next to my flip-flops near the life saver shade. Tom copied me, simply dropping his green shirt and flip-flops. Our towel's fell out of the basket when I dropped it, but Tom took my hand before I had a chance to pick them up and pulled me towards the water. I felt like a lovesick teenager.

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