Chapter 28

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In my confused and shocked condition, my body functioned without my will. Did Tom really just ask me to marry him? I slowly turned around. When my eyes met Tom's deep, longing glance, the look of hope, of expectancy and affection, it became crystal clear. "Yes," I nodded and suddenly found myself back on Tom's lap, my legs this time wrapped around his body. While we were kissing, Tom blindly put the much too big key ring around my finger.

"Might be a little too big," Tom laughed.

"Just a little." I tried to squeeze it smaller, but it wouldn't. Tom tried as well, but apart from deforming the ring into an oval shape, not much happened.

"We might have to get you a new one," Tom beamed, while stroking over my hand in his.

"But I love this one. If I could choose any ring, this would be the one."

"Yeah, sure." Tom lovingly smiled. "You'll have to deal with a different one. This one is only temporary."

"Well, that's a pity."

"Especially because the flower is going to look so amazing by the time we get back to the hotel." It already hang down slightly flabby.

"I can't believe it." I excitedly began freaking out, hiding my face behind my hands. "I can't believe you asked. I can't believe I said yes."

"I know, darling," Tom calmed me, taking my hands back in his, stroking his fingertips over my knuckles. "If anyone would have told me three months ago that I'll ever contemplate a relationship, let alone ask someone to marry me, I would have deemed them insane."

"I'm glad you did."

"Yeah. Me too."

Then I remembered the two cupcakes I had packed instead of a birthday cake. I'd baked them the night before, when Tom had been busy at work until after midnight. What really put me on ease though was that Tom would call or text me to check on me and give me an update. There was no need to worry about what he was up to.

I took the container out of the backpack, got one of the traditional decorated cupcakes out and lit the candle stuck in white icing on one of them. Tom watched me with wide, sparkling eyes.

"Happy birthday, fiancé!" I kissed him cheerful on the cheek. Without warning, Tom lifted me off the ground, swirling me around before giving me another kiss.

"This day is getting better and better." Tom beamed. "I just don't know what to do about this smile that seems stuck to my face."

"I think it suits you. You should keep it."

"No one will recognise me."

"The better."

Tom and I enjoyed the walk back, the walk into a promising life together. Tom held my hand tight the entire way, carrying the backpack and not allowing any conversation about anything serious. The way back to the hotel took us along the harbour side of the Gap, with stunning views of the yachts, Opera House, Harbour Bridge and the Sydney skyline.

"This must be the most beautiful city on earth." Tom marvelled at the view. "And I get to live here with the most beautiful woman and her most amazing children. It was worth waiting for."


"Hey, there're some shops. Let's see if we can find a jeweller and get you all set up."

"Don't get me wrong, Tom. But how prepared were you for today? I mean, how did you do it?"

Tom's facial expression turned serious, as we stepped onto a common walkway along a road, off the marked loop road around the Gap. Cars were driving by and the noise level suddenly increased immensely.

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