Chapter 31

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Exhausted from a week filled with work, meetings, activities and travel preparations, I was sitting on the balcony, poured myself a glass of chardonnay and leaned back in my wicker seat. Tom was still in the office, so I had the house to myself for the first time in weeks after sending the kids off to their weekend with Aunty Rebekah and their cousins. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air, the evening noises, the rustling branches, and the dogs barking. Somewhere in the distance was a baby giving mummy and daddy a hard time going to sleep.

I thought back about the day in Watsons Bay and was glad, with the busy week we've just had, that Tom and I have had that quality time. After the news of our engagement had leaked, my mum, of course, called, complaining that it was too soon and that Tom had no decency not even talking to my father beforehand. As if my father had asked my grandpa! I didn't tell Tom about it, and I also didn't tell my mum that Tom had asked Sam and Emma for their permission the very next day after proposing to me, which I thought was incredible thoughtful of him and more appropriate than to ask my father. He would have only laughed anyways, I bet.

Emma and Sam had been so excited about the news. Tom had waited until we returned from the zoo, where we'd spent the entire Sunday, and when I was having a shower back home, he spoke to them. Oh, those smiles, and - ten thousand questions. "When? Where? How?" and Emma was completely taken by the ring. I had been wondering all day if they would notice the ring, but only Dave had, and to my relief he had also been happy for us.

Staring at my ring I couldn't help but wonder how much had changed in only a matter of weeks. It was Friday. This used to be Hannah's and my evening. I missed her. I had only spoken to her twice in the course of the past week, and both times had been rather briefly. Checking the time on my watch, I realised that it was only seven o'clock. I should call Hannah," I thought, taking my mobile and dialling her number. She picked up on the second ring.

"Lisa, darling!" she answered euphorically. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Just wondering if you had any plans tonight. I'm home all alone and thinking how much I miss our Friday nights. No, sorry, you! I miss you."

"Oh! I miss you, too, Lisa. Scott wants to go out for dinner, but he won't be here until nine. If I come over now, we still have two hours."

"Sounds perfect!"

"Do you want to join us for dinner later?"

"No, you just go on your date. I'll see you soon. Your glass of red is waiting!"

Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang. A stunning looking Hannah waited outside, wearing a scarlet cocktail dress with colour matching pumps and purse. If it wasn't for the fact that the dress was a tad too short and the make up just a bit too much, I would have said she looked almost classy. But Hannah owned this outfit in her own way. In my jeans and turquoise shirt I looked rather boring in comparison.

"Now, tell me all about how you got this amazing ring. And don't leave out any details." Hannah's happy expression seemed genuine throughout my story, with only a hint of a doubt.

"You're still not convinced, are you?" I asked, looking for her assurance. Her opinion mattered to me, a lot. And I wanted her to like Tom.

"Darling," Hannah sighed. "You look happy, and I might have been wrong. I hope I was." She took a sip of her wine while fiddling around with her chunky silver necklace.

"So, how are things with you and Scott?" Oh, how her face brightened up just by the mentioning of his name. If I looked the same when Tom's name was mentioned? I bet I did.

"He is so amazing," she raved about him. He is so much fun, and smart, and just makes me feel incredible." Her voice got higher and higher in excitement. "And his daughter is just adorable."

"You've met her?"

"Yeah! He's a very doted dad. I never thought I could be with someone who's already got family, but that little fashionista is just fun and refreshing. I took her shopping on the weekend. She's unbelievable. Worse than me." Hannah's words were doing somersaults. She was absolutely taken by her. My grin got wider and wider as Hannah babbled along. I was so glad that we both had found someone to make us happy.

"Hi there!" I hadn't heard Tom come in. Now he was casually leaning in the doorway to the balcony in his black suit, looking his usual hot. Unconsciously, I straightened myself. Would this effect on him ever wear off? I hoped not.

"Hey! Grab a glass in the kitchen and sit down with us," I invited him, patting on the empty seat next to me. But Tom was already leaning over me, placing a kiss on my lips. His touch and smell filled me immediately.

"Hi Hannah," he awkwardly waved over the table at her. I couldn't blame him for being unsure of how to approach her after their run-ins. I hoped they would be able to overcome their issues. To my relief, Hannah had already gotten off her chair, walking around the table and giving Tom a surprise hug. "Congratulations! I'm really happy for you guys."

"Thanks, Hannah!" he responded, clumsily patting her back. Tom was uncomfortable, unsure of where to put his hands or how to behave. I, however, was glad, that Hannah had made an effort. When Tom had finally freed himself from her embrace, he turned around without another word, leaving for inside.

"I get it!" Hannah shot out in a hushed voice as soon as Tom had disappeared around the corner. "I totally get it."

"Get what?"

"You and him. That whole attraction thing."

"And you just figured that out in those thirty seconds?" As much as I wanted Hannah to approve of Tom and me, I wanted her arguments to have solid ground. I needed to hear it from her, knowing that she really got it. She needed to be convinced.

"I've seen you together before, Lisa. He's all over you and smitten by you. But I had my doubts about the long term thing, you know? But the way he's looking at you speaks volumes. And he could have felt annoyed that I'm here. I mean, it's your weekend without the kids and then I'm hanging out here. But instead he accepts it. And I know I haven't been necessarily nice to him. Sorry, Lisa."

At that moment, Tom stepped back out on the balcony, an empty wine glass in hand, wearing his lose fitting black tracksuit pants and a plane white t-shirt. Barefoot, he ambled over to us, in an almost provocative way, sitting down next to me. After filling up our glasses, he poured himself one, then leaned back in a relaxed way, angling his right leg on the chair. I felt blushing at the thought that most likely he wasn't wearing anything under those pants. Those thoughts were based on experience. Was I glad that it was dark, with the only light shining through the windows! But I hadn't noticed that I was staring, empty headed. Was I seriously staring at my own fiancée? And he had caught me, his evil grin giving him away. Well, I hadn't seen him much the past few days. Last night he was especially late, or early I should better say. It must have been past three a.m. when he got home, just so he could leave again at six. I wondered how he managed to get through the day.

Hannah was talking about Scott, but I had no idea what, being absorbed entirely by my own thoughts.

"Why don't you two come with us tonight," she asked and I snapped out of my own world.

"Oh, I don't know," I answered, looking at Tom for a clue. "Tom is probably tired."

"I don't mind," Tom jumped in. "I haven't had dinner yet. Have you?"


"Let's go then," Tom decided. "What time are you meeting him?"

"In half an hour. Scott's coming here to pick me up." Lifting her glass, she made a point of her statement.

"Well, I might get changed again then," Tom announced, going back inside. Watching him move his half-godly body with grace, my fantasies ran wild again. I did not want to go out.

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