Chapter 30

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"Do you want to go back to the hotel, or have you got something else planned?" Tom asked full of anticipation.

"Nothing else planned," I gave back. "But I could use a little walk.

With our shoes in our hands, Tom and I waded through the wet sand along the beach. Every once in a while a wave caught our feet. I loved evening walks along the beach. There was just something to it. It was relaxing, quiet, - romantic.

"Let's go for a swim!" Before waiting for my answer, Tom took my shoes off me and threw them with his own a few meters back in the sand. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me, with all my clothes on, into the water. I shrieked as the cold wet hit my skin, but when Tom pulled me close into him, I forgot everything. It was like we were dancing through the waves.

When we finally got back to the hotel, we entered the lobby in dripping wet clothes. The employee behind the reception looked at us in horror as the puddle underneath us got bigger, but we simply couldn't restrain ourselves from laughing.

"Could you get us two towels, please!" Tom called out without looking at him. Within seconds he was beside us, handing Tom two white hotel towels.

"Are you two okay?" he asked with an utterly confused look on his face.

"We're fine," Tom simply responded, before leading me to the elevator, both of us still giggling like love-sick teenagers.

"I'm going to turn the bath on," I announced, while Tom poured himself a drink from the minibar.

"Alright! Want one as well?" he offered, pointing to his drink.

Shaking my head I left for the marble ensuite bathroom, closed the door behind me and began filling the tub with hot water and bathing foam while undressing myself. This day had been even more perfect than I'd expected it to be. Content, I put my hand in the water to check the temperature of the bubbling vanilla scented water. Slowly I submerged my left foot, then the right into the bath, before relaxing my entire body in it. There was nothing better than a hot bath after a freezing cold dip in the ocean. Well, almost nothing. Where is Tom? I had hoped he'd join me. But even after turning off the running water, I couldn't hear a sound from him, and he didn't answer either when I called him, twice. After some more impatient waiting, I got up, grabbed a fresh towel, wrapped it around me and opened the bathroom door. The light in our room was dimmed, but the room wasn't huge and I could see every corner of it. Tom was nowhere to be seen. The night breeze then lifted the curtain to the balcony where Tom was leaning against the balustrade, looking in thought over the harbour, the cognac glass still in his hand. From behind I gently slid my arms around his waist. He must have not noticed me, wincing at the contact.

"I was waiting for you," I whispered, leaning my head against Toms back. "What are you doing out here?" I continued without waiting for an answer.

"Nothing! Let's go," he answered a tad too fast.

"Tell me, Tom, please."

"I'm thinking about you."

"Well, I'm here. What exactly were you thinking?"

"How lucky I am."

"And what exactly were you thinking for real?" Sliding under his arm in front of him, I took the glass out of his hand, taking a sip. "I know that look, Tom. Talk to me."

Tom took a deep breath, embraced me and said, "I'm thinking about you. I'm always thinking about you. I used to brood over my past and I used to question my future, but now I only ever wonder about what is to come. One thing, darling, I know for sure."

"And what is that?"

"I know that my life with you will be a good one. It was worth waiting for."

That hit me deep. "Oh, Tom." In one very unlady-like gulp I finished the cognac and kissed Tom, kissed him deep, when Tom, suddenly, with one swift move, opened my towel, which silently fell to the ground.

"Brings back some sweet memories," Tom leered.

"Hey, people can see me," I protested.

"No one can see you. Everything is shielded. I'm not going to risk anyone seeing my fiancée naked."

"Well, I'm not going to be naked alone out here," I whispered to myself, placed the empty glass on the floor and gradually made my way down to Tom's jeans button. Opening them, I gradually pulled them down, casually letting my fingers run along his skin. I felt his goose bumps under my fingertips. Without making a sound, Tom stepped out of his pants, before I moved back up, helping him out of his shirt and trunks. Inhaling deeply, I took in every bit of his sweet, masculine Tom scent which was like an aphrodisiac to me. Tom's head leaned down, buried deeply between my breasts.

"I love the smell of you," Tom panted, leaving love bites all around my breasts. I stretched myself, so he had easier access, then leaned back, drowsy by Tom's pampering stimulation. The blood rushed through me, pulsing wildly in all the sensitive parts of my body. As Tom moved his seduction back up to my neck, I straightened myself, shivering and gently pulled Tom away from the pillar he was leaning against. He lifted my head with the tips of his fingers for a kiss, when he landed backwards on one of the outdoor sun loungers. For a moment I soaked in the sight of the man of my dreams stretched out in front of me. My anticipation grew, when Tom grabbed my hand to pull me on top of him. Feeling him inside me was like a relief to my desires when only it inflamed more and more lust until finally the promised fireworks exploded.

We did end up in the still warm bath together, before going to bed. Happy and exhausted we both fell asleep in each other's arms. The soft, rhythmically snoring next to me felt relaxing, before I drifted off myself.

"How could you let me go?" - "Why did you not want me?" - "I could look after you now." - "Did it for you." - "Too late." - "Lisa." - "Loves me."

Tom was mumbling in his sleep. It was yet clear enough for me to understand. I was not sure though if the talking or his fitful sleep woke me, or maybe a combination of both.

"Tom," I carefully touched his arm, hoping he would wake, or at least lose his dream. But instead he clung to my hand, "I loved you, I waited for you. But you didn't come. You just forgot about me."

Everything he couldn't talk about, his deepest fears and hidden feelings came out in his dream. With tears in my eyes I listened to Tom asking question after question and I wondered if in his sleep he'd get the answers he was longing for.

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