Chapter 8

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"We should go and celebrate," I suggested to Tom, Hannah and Zoe. The trial had been a great success. With five other victims, one had dropped out last minute, Patrick received a six year jail term sentence for stalking, sexual assault and grievous bodily harm. The relief on Hannah's face was obvious. For the first time since Patrick's attack I saw a genuine smile on her face. Tom looked gorgeous as ever, all business-like with a "don't mess with me" attitude.

As we exited the courthouse, I called Dave to tell him the great news. "Corey told his parents about our engagement. They're pissed but we're having a small party on Saturday for whoever is happy for us. We can now also celebrate your success from today. You're coming, aren't you?"

"Of course we're coming. Wouldn't miss it for anything." Right at that moment, the flashing of cameras blinded my face. The ear-piercing voices of reporters from all sides made me dizzy. Tom wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulder. Stopping for the cameras, Tom gave a brief statement on the outcome of the trial, then ordered the media to let us pass.

We were about to push through the masses, when a police officer called him back. With all the noise from the press, I couldn't hear what the officer said to him, but I watched him handing Tom an envelope. I looked at him, puzzled, but Tom just pulled me behind him to a taxi stand where we shared a ride with Hannah and Zoe.

Tom put the sealed envelope in his briefcase before sitting in the front seat. Tom was conspicuously cheerful, but I could tell it was only a masquerade. During the entire ride home, Tom didn't speak a single word with me. He seemed to be dreamy, drifting away in his own thoughts. From time to time, when he caught me glance at him in the rear view mirror, he answered me with a slight, fake smile. I took the time to check my phone. It was just ridiculous with phone calls, voice messages, sms, email, facebook, whatsapp and all the other social media that needed checking. How could anyone keep up? And what happened to the good old letter?

I did have several messages from my mum, Johanna and Svenja. Grrr! Johanna and Svenja were both after more information on my relationship to Tom, as they had seen my interview, Tom's interview and several new photos. I answered both of them with the same message:

---   ---   ---

Yes, we're seeing each other. Want to skype on the weekend?

Miss you,


--- --- ---

My mum had sent me an email.

---   ---   ---

Can you please call me? Your father and I are about to book our next trip to visit you. Give the kids a kiss!

Love you,


---   ---   ---

Oh no, they're coming to check out Tom. That'll be fun.

"What happened?" I asked Tom when we were home alone. I made us each a coffee, the steaming cups sitting in front of us on the kitchen table. He didn't answer, just silently shrugged, retrieved the envelope and opened it. My heart was pounding fast. After what seemed like an eternity, Tom finally unfolded the letter. I was sitting across from him, so I couldn't see what was written on it, but concluding from Tom's expression, it wasn't good news. Tom frowned, then slid the letter over the table to me. The officer had served him a summons, for sexual assault. Tanya!

With tears in my eyes, I looked up at Tom. My body was shaking. Hasn't this man been through enough? I wanted to say something, comfort him. But I didn't know how. I had no words.

"Do you believe me when I say that I didn't do this?" Tom asked me, his eyes defeated'.

"I know you didn't do this, Tom!" My voice was shaking, tears running down my cheeks. I got up, walked around the table and placed my hand on his shoulder. Tom sighed, took my arm and pulled me on his lap.

"That's all I need to know. I promise, I never even touched her."

"I know, Tom. When I first met you, she told us in the office about dates she had with you at times you'd been here with me. She even told me she was pregnant from you."

Tom stroked my hair. "That's good."

"Why?" I asked, skeptical.

"Because I can prove that I'm not the father and because there are witnesses to her lies. I better call Hawkins. He might become my personal lawyer after all." A smile flitted across his face.

"I hope you won't need one."

"Trust me, I'll need one. It's not the first time someone's accusing me of fathering their child, but it is my first rape charge."

"What can I do to help you?" I really wanted to help, but had no idea of how.

"Just trust me. That's all I need." I trusted him one hundred percent on this one.

"I trust you, Tom." I stroked his cheek and gave him a quick kiss.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Hopefully we can prevent a trial."

"Hey, I'm sorry you have to go through this." I slung my legs around him. "I love you, Tom."

"It's late." Tom suddenly jumped up like nothing happened. "We have to leave soon if we don't want to miss Sam and Emma play."

"Are you sure you want to watch them play today? You have enough on your plate."

"Lisa," Tom lifted my head with his fingers on my chin so I looked directly into his beautiful, deep eyes. "If things like this would stop me from anything, I'd have to stay in bed all day. You know, when you have money, everyone wants a part of it. So they sue you for all kinds of reasons. A certain percentage of your income automatically goes into legal fees. This is not my first law suit and it won't be my last. I can just see that it really hurts you, and I don't want that."

Tom gave me a deep kiss, then lifted me off his lap. "Thanks for trusting me." Then, he got his notebook out, called Mr Hawkins and sent him copies of the summons. Half an hour later, we were sitting in the sports hall, cheering first for Emma, and after a twenty minute break for Sam's team.

"I bet Michael is behind it all." I didn't intend to speak the words out loud. I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were racing, trying to find Michael's threats somewhere in my memory.

"Hm?" I had woken Tom.

"I told you that on my last day at work he tried to turn me against you. He blamed me for your loss of interest in HSE. And he tried to convince me that you used me, harassed me. Even then he said that you did the same to Tanya." How could I have missed all of that? "You know what? I just remember that on the night of the fundraiser I heard Michael yell at Tanya. Something about that she had the simple task to get the fat cat laid and couldn't even do that."

I was out of breath. It made perfect sense now. Michael was blackmailing Tanya. When he figured that she wouldn't succeed in luring Tom in, he threatened me. When he didn't succeed with that attempt either, he would now be back onto Tanya with another plan in mind.

Tom spooned up behind me. "We're going to get him. He'll be sorry for messing with my girl. Go to sleep now, Lisa. Don't think about it anymore. Sleep, and we'll talk about it in the morning."

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