Chapter 12

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"You! Leave my son's house. You cannot get married. He is a good man. He is a surgeon. My boy is going to marry a nice girl, they will have children and be happy together. You are sick." Corey's mums' voice sounded raspy. She started poking Dave's chest with her index finger while slurring insult after insult at him. Dave and I both stood blandly.

"And you," she continued walking towards me. "You take your friend away from here. Do you think it's a funny game he's playing with my son?"

"Mrs Umbrell, I'm very sorry you're upset. It's not funny, but it's also not the end of the world. Just look how happy Corey is. And Dave is a good guy."

"Oh, shut up, you, you." She could hardly brace herself. She stroke out, but missed me. Instead she landed on her butt, in a puddle which the sun had failed to dry out during the day.

"Hey, hey." Tom just stepped out the door. Confused, he looked from me to Dave, then Mrs Umbrell.

"This is Corey's mum," I explained, whispering. "She's struggling with their relationship. And she's drunk."

Tom stretched his hand out to pull up Mrs Umbrell. Her feet gave away, but Tom caught her before she hit the ground again. Carrying her like a baby, he walked up the stairs and put her on the bed of the guest room. Corey was all agitated. He was worried about his mum, but at the same time didn't want to ruin his engagement party.

"Let her sleep it off, call your father and let's celebrate. The show is over," Tom ordered, turning up the volume of the music.

He strolled over to me, smirking auspiciously, grabbed me into a dance posture and swirled me around.

"Are you okay?" he asked me when a ballad sounded from the speakers, slowing the dancing.

"I'm fine. Are you? I'm sorry I left you there," I apologised.

"The dentist? Too much?"

"Not really. Just awkward. I didn't know what to say or do."

"You told him about us. Nothing happened between you two, did it?"

"No. Nothing happened. And yes, I told him."

"All good then. Take a deep breath. Relax. He seems to be having a good time." Sure enough, he was sitting on the lounge, closely huddled against Hannah, both of them clearly amused. "He seems to be a decent guy. I'm glad you went out with him and not someone else. But I can guarantee you, that he was your last first date."

"Oh, really?"

Tom scowled at me. "Let's sit with them. Come on!" Tom pulled me behind him.

Hannah and Scott were giggling. Over a glass of wine, Scott told us all about his volunteer work for Dentists without Borders, and his last assignment in Tanzania.

"I think it's great that you volunteer your time and skills," Hannah adored him. "What about you, Tom. Do you support any charities?" Tom had been quiet throughout Scott's narrations. I didn't like the way Hannah questioned him. She was thankful to him for supporting her financially in the whole Patrick matter, but she wasn't convinced yet that he was good for me.

Tom looked at her, little impressed. "My company supports many good causes. Lisa is managing them now. She's got some great ideas."

"You're what?" Hannah asked shocked. "You didn't tell me."

"I wasn't aware that I already started. We were just talking, weren't we?" I directed at Tom.

"Engel, whenever you're ready. Your name is on the papers. Whenever, whatever."

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