Chapter 20

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When Tom woke up, he looked much better. Sam was still asleep and after closing my laptop I went into my bedroom to check on him. Then I made a cup of chamomile tea for Tom and a coffee for myself.

"So," Tom asked with a surprisingly big smile on his face, even though I could tell he was very nervous, fidgeting around with his hands and feet. His cheeks looked slightly rosy. An improvement. I hoped it was only a twenty four hour virus. "How did your talk with Florian go?"

"Good, I guess. He seems to be very efficient."

"He's the best." Tom responded. "Right after you, of course. What's going to happen? Did you give him the okay?"

Oh, I just couldn't refrain myself. "Don't worry, Tom. I told him to stick to your resolution to never get involved in dodgy businesses." He tried to keep his bright smile up, but it clearly changed to a forced one, the disappointment in his eyes obvious.

"It's not a dodgy business," he countered. "But it's unethical. I see where you're coming from."

"Great that you agree! I really wasn't sure what to tell him. It's a huge risk letting someone decide over millions of dollars who has no clue or experience." 

Tom only responded with a weak smile, both lips firmly pressed together. The thoughts of how to reverse my decision clearly mirrored in his eyes.

"Oh, Tom!" I just couldn't keep it up. "You can tell me that you're not happy with that decision. It's obvious."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, you wanted that deal."

"Yeah, but I should have just told Florian. I just felt so crappy and couldn't think straight."

"Don't worry," I appeased him. "I told him to go ahead."

"Did you? – Did you really." With eyes glowing like those of a child on Christmas morning, he kissed me. I nodded.

"Why?" He asked curious.

"Because I think it would be a great project for me. Florian's assistant sent me all the documents through. You promised I'd have free hand in social responsibility issues. How about a school and child care for the kids of employees and the ones who currently work there on the premises and of course fair work conditions for their parents and of course all other employees? And - oh gosh, I have like a million ideas."

The way Tom looked at me in that very moment can't be described. "I love you so much!" he produced in wonder.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~

Both Sam and Tom were much better the next morning. I tried to convince Sam to stay home another day, but because of a planned excursion there was no way of holding him back. Worried to bits that he might not be able to attend the official opening ceremony of the office building and acceptance of his visa, Tom had hardly slept all night.

As soon as the kids had left for school, we got ready for the big presentation.

"You look absolutely stunning," Tom beamed, wearing a classic two buttoned grey suit, a white shirt, personally ironed by him, and a matching grey patterned tie. The weather had cooled down over night and it was too cold for the sleeveless blue dress I had picked out only two days earlier to wear. Nervously, I had been rummaging through my built in, trying to find something suitable to wear. Eventually Tom had spotted the emerald green dress coat I had bought over two years ago. It was the perfect gown for an official function. Having worn it only a hand-full of times, usually at work functions in winter, it still looked like new. This particular dress looked fabulous with high heels, but because we'd be walking around a construction site, as the demolishing works had already started, I chose to wear the black shoes with only small heels which I had bought in Germany during my last visit. With no idea of what to do with my hair, I wished Dave would have been there.

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