Chapter 22

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By the time the kids were fast asleep, I still hadn't heard from Tom. I was worried. I needed to talk to him, needed to apologise. To distract myself, I took out the laptop to work a bit more on the India project. It was useless. Restless, I got up, pacing around the house. When the Skype ring tone sounded though the house, I quickly ran to the lounge to check it, but since Tom and I weren't even connections, I knew before I got there that it wouldn't be him. It was my sisters face appearing on the screen. In no mood for questions about my relationship, if it still was one, I ignored her and shut the screen. I knew I wouldn't be able to come to rest without talking to Tom. I had no idea where to find him, but all his belongings, including his passport - I had checked - were still there. There was only one option. Someone needed to mind the kids while I looked for him.

Hannah picked up the phone on the third ring. She wasn't at home, background noises from a public place sounded through the line: A restaurant. Someone had just shouted an order.

"I can be there in an hour if you like. I'm just out with Scott," she whispered."

"Don't worry, Hannah. You two just enjoy your evening. I'll ask Dave to come over." I felt slack. Having been so occupied with myself, I didn't even ask how she was or how the date was going. I made a mental note to call her again in the morning to make up for it.

Sure enough, Dave came over almost immediately. Corey was on night shift, which usually meant that Dave was happy for any distractions. "Where do you want to look for him," Dave asked when he arrived, still standing in the hallway. I had no idea. Tom didn't know anyone around, at least not that I was aware of.

"He's probably taking a long walk, or is staying at a hotel," I guessed.

"Do you want me to go look for him?" Dave offered.

"Thanks, Dave. But if you could just stay here and mind the kids. Just why was I so stupid?"

"Honey, Don't be so hard on yourself." Dave pulled me in an embrace, comforting me. He'd always been good at that. "Tom is a great guy, but he comes with a lot of baggage. You needed to tell him. Arguing is an important part of a relationship, as long as you can make up for it again." He really could have saved himself that wink.

"It wasn't an argument. I was nasty," I corrected him.

"Tom is nuts about you. He knows how you meant it, I'm sure. Now go and get that gorgeous man back, but take your phone so I can contact you."

I was already out the door, standing in the humid dark, when Dave called after me, "If he's at a hotel, stay the night. Just let me know." I couldn't see his face in the dark, but sensed the bright smile. His positive attitude was infectious, and I felt much lighter, that is, until I sat alone in the car. Starting the ignition with no plan where to go, I drove around the streets of the neighbourhood. Passing the bush entrance where Tom had helped me find Hannah after she'd stormed off at the end of the police interrogation, it hit me: Roger. Tom put his number in my phone just days earlier, in case I ever needed him. Roger knew everything. He was probably even watching Tom at that very moment. Or was he watching me? Turning my head suspiciously, there were several cars around.

Pulling over, I parked the car under a large gum tree. Apart from the soft music sounding from my radio, there was absolute silence. It gave me the creeps, alone in a car at night at the entrance to the bush. It wasn't late, not even nine, but having grown up in Europe I still hadn't gotten completely used to the fact that even in summer it would be pitch black by eight thirty at the latest.

"Hello Lisa!" Roger greeted me. His voice gave nothing away. Doubts suddenly crept over me. Tom informed him of everything for sure. He had my number. Maybe Tom also told him about our argument and instructed him not to give me any information. Who cares! I needed to try.

"Hey, Roger. I haven't seen Tom since this afternoon and he left his phone at home. Would you know by any chance where he is?"

Without hesitation, he replied. "Tom is still at the office."

"The office," I repeated, shocked. "Which office?"

He must have heard the panic in my voice. With a slight, deep chuckle he explained, "The new portable one which arrived today." The exhalation that escaped me was much deeper than anticipated. Of course, Tom had ordered a portable office which could be used for now. I hadn't been aware though that it had already been delivered. Tom probably didn't have time to. We were too busy arguing. But at least I knew where to find him.

"Thanks, Roger. I'll see you soon," I cheerfully sent his way.

"I'm actually close on your heels."

Driving up the dark, bumpy driveway of the business premises, I was glad to see the flood lights of Rodger's car in my rear-view mirror. It took a while until the portable office building on top of the driveway came into sight, with only the dim light of one small window facing my direction. For a moment, I was looking for a suitable place to park, when it crossed my mind that this was my property. Smirking at the thought, I stopped the car right where I was, turned off the lights and stepped out into the humid evening air. The light breeze was cooling the air only slightly. It did make my turquoise summer dress blow up though, forcing me to hold it back down.

It was a weird feeling to know that all this belonged to me, and Tom of course. More Tom, but still. Will he be happy to see me?

It was silent and pitch-black, with only the bit of light from the office building, but knowing Roger was watching, I confidently walked towards the office, cursing myself for wearing flip-flops on a construction site.

Unsure whether to knock or just step in, I hesitated for a moment with the doorknob in hand. Muffled voices sounded from inside. I couldn't make out how many, but it was certainly not only Tom in there. The wildest ideas crossed my mind, from Tom hatching a plan to leave me with an assistant or lawyer or god knows who else to finding him in there with another woman. I wasn't sure which one would have been worse. Then, Tom was laughing. The other voice was laughing, too. I had been worried to bits all day while he had a great time? Anger started building up deep inside me again. Before going entirely berserk, I decided to just go in and face whatever situation I would find myself in.

Turning the knob, I slowly opened the door, spying through the crack. Tom was leaning back in his swivel chair, relaxed with both his arms crossed behind his head, wearing a bright smile. In front of him, on a compared to the small office space large wooden desk, sat his laptop. The lid wide open, a high male voice resounded through the room. I quietly made my way up the three stairs, when Tom looked up at me, his impression guilty, or maybe shame? The male voice on the computer continued talking. Unable to make out the words, one word did stay out: Birgit. The look on Tom's face was not one of guilt, or shame. It was the impression of being caught - again.

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