ice cream

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Anas pov:
After singing a few more songs we finally got there. Ana: " hey Dani what do you want to do first?" Dani:"umm...idk its very hard to choose jaja" Ana: ha ikr"
Ana: " do you want to go get some ice cream first..i mean thats most of the reason why we came here" i say rubbing my forehead. Dani:" true. Lets go" we get out of the car and head to the ice cream shop. I open the door for Dani which she thanks me by giving me a smile. I smile back. We go sit down and talk for a while before we go to choose our ice cream. Dani:"lets go get our ice cream now" i nod my head yes and we go stand in line...well there wasnt any line. Not alot of people go there because the shop is kind of hidden so thats good because that means there is more ice cream for us lmao. There were people sitting tho. Behind the counter was an old lady..her name tag said Lidia on it. Lidia:" hello ladies what would you like" her smile was so sweet i couldn't do anything but smile back. Dani:"Hi umm.. Can i have strawberry please" she said smiling at Lidia. Ana:" ill get vanilla please" i smile at her too. Lidia:" ok girls here you go" she said handing us our ice cream cones. Lidia:" enjoy!" Dani & Ana: " thank you!" we go sit down and joke around like always. Dani:" Ayy Ana tu que cosas dices!" i could tell she was trying to swallow the ice cream in her mouth but she couldnt since she was laughing at what i said. She started coughing. Ana:" Dani are you ok?!" i say standing up when all of a sudden "BLAH!" Ana:" HAAA!" Dani:"Omg i am so sorry Ana. o my god please forgive me i didnt mean to do that!" Ana:"....." i just stand there trying to clean my face with the napkin. .....Ana:" jajajajaja" i start laughing because Dani was so worried she spit the ice cream from her mouth right in my face Dani:" omg i thought you were mad at me!!" Ana:" lmao i would never be mad at you youre like my best let me rephrase that.. Youre like a sister to it was my fault anyway i was the one who made you laugh" Dani:"omg your just way to nice" she stands up and gives me a hug. Then she helps me clean my face. "porque tu me miras y yo siento lo mismo que tu cuando te miro siento que me estoy enamorando" me and Dani look at each other surprised. Our jaws drop and we look around the ice cream shop trying to find were the music was coming from.

Oooo i wonder what happened next lmao so ill just leave you guys with the suspense! Oops

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