the end of us

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Joels pov:
I wake up by her side. I smile and kiss her on the lips.
"I think i love you too" i whisper back. I heard her say that last night but i acted like i was sleeping but at the end i ended up actually falling asleep.
"Good morning" i say to her but she is still sleeping. I smile and decide to sing to her.
I sing 'Bendita tu luz' but she doesnt wake up.
I shake her a little but she doesnt do anything. I say her name over and over but she doesnt react at all. I sit up and look at her. She looks so pale. I grab her hands but they are cold as ice. I look down at my hands and see them all bloody. My heart starts hurting i clean my hands on my shirt. I run my hands through my hair thinking of what happened. I go outside and look for Yoandri and everyone else.
"Guys!!! Where are you!"
"Something happened to Ana!"
I say but no one answers. I go look in Yoandris room but he wasnt there. I look in Yamileths room but she wasnt there. I go look in every room until i reach Jaimes. I slowly open it and call his name. But no one is there. I go outside and look for them but none of them are there. I go back inside and look for my phone to call 911 i find it but it has no signal. I go back in the room and say Anas name one more time. I lay next to her and start crying.
"Dont leave me"
I say as i cry.
All of a sudden i hear someone laughing.
I look around the room and find Jaime twirling around a gun. I stand up and he sees me crying.
"What happened pretty boy? Did someone break your toy? Huh? Why are you crying?" he says as he stands up. He walk toward me and looks at Ana.
"Look at her. Shes gonna sleep forever like that not knowing what happened"
He goes and lays next to her. I just watch him as anger spreads all over my body. My blood was boiling inside me and i felt my heart shatter.
"What did you do to her!"
I yell at him.
"Same as his brother"
"How come i never heard the shot?!" i ask him
"I attached a silencer to my gun" he shows me his gun and laughs.
He points the gun at me and smiles im his evil smile he had been doing the whole time.
"What did you do to everyone else?" i ask him
"I killed them all, then i threw them in the water."
"Shoot me!" i yell at him while tears are rolling down my face.
He laughs and walks around me.
"Why should i?"
"Just fucking shoot me already you bitch!"
I feel a sharp pain in my heart. I look down and see blood ever where. I fall to the ground and after that i dont know what happened....

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