just a dream

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"Wake up!"
I open my eyes and see Ana. I jump on her and kiss her and hug her.
"I love you!"
I tell her while crying.
"Hey, what happened all of a sudden you started saying my name and you started crying and then you started yelling Jaimes name saying 'shoot me' did you have a nightmare?"
" i..i thought i lost you forever"
"Aww its ok dont cry. It was just a nightmare. See? Im right here...with you."
She smiles at me and hugs me.
"Sing for me again"
I say to her. Her voice calmed me down. She started singing and i just hold on to her like if she was my life. After a while of us just laying there we stand up and get out the room. We go to the kitchen and find everyone there.
They look at us and stop what they were doing. We just stand there.
Says Johann walking toward us.
Me and her just look at each other not knowing what they were all talking about.
"We heard you guys last night. How did it go"
Says Johann smirking at us.
Me and Ana look at each other with wide eyes.
"W..what!?" Ana says
"What are you guys talking about!" i say
"We werent doing anything! I promise!" she says at all of them.
"Well it sure didnt sound like it" says Yoandri taking a sip from his coffee.
Ana looks at Yamileth and she nods her head.
We were gonna start freaking out when we hear them all burst out laughing. We look at each other again in disbelieve.
"Omg....you...you guys...should have seen your faces!!!" says Johann in between laughs.
"Fuck off"
Says Ana as she walk away.
I look at them an say
"Nice job everyone"
Then i follow after her. She goes back to her room and opens her closet.
"Wait! Ana"
I say as i get to her room
"What are you doing?"
I ask her.
"Come with me"
I walk to where she was about to ask her where we were going but then i see her pull a staircase from above the closet.

"Come with me"I walk to where she was about to ask her where we were going but then i see her pull a staircase from above the closet

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She smiles at me and then tells me to get in the closet with her so she can close the door. We then climb upstairs and we find ourselfs in the attic.

 We then climb upstairs and we find ourselfs in the attic

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She goes over to the window and just looks outside. I just stand there looking at her.
"Its nice and quiet up here"
She says still looking outside. "It is" i reply.
We just stay like that for a couple of minutes.
"So what were you dreaming?"
She says as she sits on the bed and motions for me to sit next to her.
"I dreamed that i woke up and i singed to you but you didnt wake up and then i went to go look for everyone bc you were dead and no one was there. Then i started crying and out of nowhere Jaime started laughing with a gun on his hand. He said he had killed you just like he did to your brother and then he said he also killed everyone else..." i say looking down.
I feel her rest her head on my shoulder.
"Well that was intense"
She says.
"Yea it was. At the end he killed me to and then thats when i woke up. It felt so real tho.."
"Good thing it was just a dream"
She says.
"Yea" i reply. We sit there for a moment not saying anything.
"What do you want to do?" she says poking me on the stomach.
"Lets play a prank on them" i say looking at her with a smirk.
She laughs and nods her head.
"What should we do?"
"Idk something like idk"
I laugh and so does she.
"I cant believe they did that tho! I almost died."
"I know me too! I was like 'woah i would never do that to her i just met her wtf' i was scared man"
She laughs and nods her head.
"I know what we should do"
She says

Omg you guys were freaking out lmao it was just a dream guys i would never end a story like that wtf 😂😂😩😩

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