my brother

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"Its ok" he said. "Its just me" he said as he let go. I turn around to find the person i least wanted it to be. It was Jaime. Oh how i hated him. But i always hid my anger with a smile. "Whats wrong with you!" i scream at him. He smirks. "Oh im sorry i didnt mean to scare you" he said while smiling. "What do you want!" i say about to go back inside. But he pulls me again. And this time really close to him.

Joels pov:
It was getting really hot outside so i took my shirt of and jumped into the water. Ana saw me and was it just me or did she blush. Maybe it was just the heat idk. I look at her for a moment and she quickly gets up and goes inside saying she was going to get towels. I kind of wanted to talk to private without mr. Nosey being there. Yes, im talking about Yoandri. So i get out of the water and go all the way on the back. Where the house was in. But before i even got there i heard Ana and Jaime talking. I hid behind a little storage house and listen to their conversation. And yes, before you even say it. I know that was wrong but i mean we all do it. Dont deny it. So i just stand there listening.
"Let go of me!" i hear her say. "Im not going to so stop complaining."
He tightens his grip on Anas hand. Which made her jump a little and scream in pain. "Jaime you are hurting me!" she was trying to free herself from his grip. And i relized she had cuts in her wrist. "Whos gonna save you now huh? He is Dead Ana! You hear me! Dead!" i can hear her crying so i go up to Jaime and punch him in the face. He falls to the ground. I kneel down and grab his shirt. "Leave her alone" i say to him. He cleans his bloody nose with the back of his hand. "Wow! Look who it is. If it isnt Joel Pimentel. You really think you are all that just because you won huh?! Well gues what you arent so stop acting like (gets cut off)
"Shut up Jaime before i beat the hell out of you!" i say pushing him back to the ground. He just lays there. I get up and look at Ana. I could see tears coming down her cheeks. I was about to talk to her but she just runs into my arms and hugs me and just cries. It breaks my heart to see her like that. "Its ok Ana, i got you. You are going to always be save with me" my arms were around her and my chin was on top of her head. "Thank you" she whispers as she lifts her head up. "Anything for you" i smile at her. She just puts her head back in my chest and asks. "What are we gonna do about him" "lets get him upstairs" i say. And we both carry him inside. We put him on the bed he was sleeping in and closed the door. "Do you have a key?" i ask. She hands me the key and i lock Jaime inside. "Yoyo cant see me like this." She says as she tries to clean her face. I lift her chin up and say come over here. I grab her wrist and lead her to the room i was sleeping in. She jumps a little and says "ouch youre hurting me" i quickly let go of her and say im sorry. I hold her hand up and look at the scars. She puts her hand down and puts it behind her back. I put my arm around her shoulders and lead her to my room. I go to my suitcase and motion her to come over. So she does. I pat the bed and she sits down. I take out the 'first aid kit' i brought. I take it out and clean her hand first and then put a bandage on her wrist. She was smiling as she looked at me. I look up at her and smile. Then i move on to her face. I grab a clean towel and slowly and carefully wipe all the tears off. I was inches away from her face. We were looking at each others eyes. I was sitting on the bed with her. " youre all done" i say as i smile at her. "Thank you Joel." she says as she hugs me again. "No need to thank me. And um...can i talk to you for a moment" i ask her nervously. "Sure" we sit back down on the bed. And carefully lay down. We were both looking up at the ceiling. "So what do you want to talk about" she asks. "Well many things" i say as i turn my head toward her. She looks back at me and says "like what"
"What happened between you and him?" i ask her. Looking back at the ceiling. "Who? Jaime?" "yea."
She looks at me for a while before starting. "Well... Me and Jaime knew each other since we were little and he was special to me. And one day when we where 14 (we are 17 btw even Jaime) Jaime called me to go to his house." she says. "And when i went in i find my brother Joshua with him. My brother was everything to me. He was my best friend he was just so important to me. And he was with Jaime. I went in to Jaimes room and they say that we should go to a river near by so we do. Once we got there Jaime takes out a gun...." she stops for a moment taking a deep breath. I look at her and i see her eyes getting watery. "What happened?" i say quietly. "Joshua was looking at the water with his back toward Jaime. I see him pull out the gun and shoot him in the back. I tried to stop him but i was too late. He was bleeding so much blood out. 'You will find the right guy. Im sorry i wont be there for your wedding.' he laughs and then kisses me on my forhead. He was laying on my lap. And my hand was attached to his. 'i love you sis' was the last thing he said. He slowly closed his eyes and died in my arms." i could see fear, sadness, and anger in her eyes at the same time. "Im so sorry" i say as i sit up to look at her. She sits up and looks down. "It wasnt your fault" was all she said. "But why would he do that?" i knew i shouldnt be asking but i do it anyway. "Me and Jaime loved each other. But Joshua wouldnt let us date because he said he wasnt the guy for me." she says looking at me. "He was a wonderful brother" i say to her. "He was" she says with a small smile. Since then i promised myself not to forgive him. And since then Yoandri has been like a brother to me. "Yoyo is a nice guy" i say. I really had nothing to say after hearing all that she told me. I get weird feeling and start getting closer and closer.....

And that is it for today 😂😂😂😂 omfg i was Literaly about to start crying while writting this. And aww isnt Joel such a sweatheart. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED!! Comment and vote pls😌💕

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