singing with him

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*next day*

Yamis pov:

I wake-up and look at the time it read 5:03 i stretch before getting up. A grab my clothes and head to the bathroom i take a shower and once i come out i go to the kitchen. I see Johann already eating.
He looks up from his phone and looks at me. "Good morning sleeping beauty" he said with a smile on his face. I smile and say good morning.
"Hey you..want to go get some Starbucks?"
He ask me nervously
I say. He gets up and we head out. While we were walking we kept our distance from each other and we were silent. Then i hear him start humming. I look at him as i recognise the song. It was "Duele el Corazon" de Enrique Iglesias. That song is so romantic in my opinion. I smile at him and then he starts singing. He get a little closer to me until my shoulder is touching his arm. (he is taller than me lol)
"Its kind of cold isnt it" i say crossing my arms. He nods his head and takes his sweater off. He puts it around my shoulders and i smile at him. I put ithen and it fits me big. I look at my hands which were covered by the sleeves i hear Johann laugh. "It looks cute on you" he says. I look at him and say thank you. "Here" i say as i hug him. "Does this keep you warm?" i say looking up at him. "Yes thank you" he hugs me back and smiles. We walk like this all the way to Starbucks. And then the way back. While we were coming back we were just joking around laughing at each other. When we get there we see Zabdiel and Erick playing soccer. What were they doing playing soccer at like 5:30 in the morning? Idk😂 we ask them were the rest of the guys were and they said some were still sleeping and the rest were inside doing something. We decide not to go in so we just go sit under a tree. It was warmer here so i give Johann his sweater back. He takes it and puts it on the grass next to him. We start talking about us when we were together in high school and how long it has been since we saw each other. We ended up laughing as we were remembering all the bad things we did and how we pranked people.

Anas pov:

I get up and go take a shower then i go find my phone and go outside. I go sit on a bench outside by myself and grab my headphones and start listening to music. I feel someone sit next to me. I thought it was Joel but when i turn around i find Richard. I take my headphones off and smile at him. "Hey" i say. "Hey, what you doing"
He asks.
"Nothing much just listening to music hbu"
"Nothing" he says.
We just stay silent for a moment then i say.
" you need me to help you on something or what" i laugh. He smiles and shakes his head.
"Nope just wanted to spent some time with you i guess"
"Oh well thats nice" i laugh.
We stay there quiet again and then he says,
"You like singing dont you?"
"Yea, a lot. Idk what i would do without music"
I say to him.
"Same. It gives you a lot of memories and yea" he laughs.
"Yup" i say laughing.
"Do you want to sing with me? I wonder if we sound good together"
"Omg yea let do it! What song tho?"
"Do you know our newest single Quisiera?"
"I can say i sing it while sleeping" i say with a smirk on my face.
"Vecina como que dormida vecina!" he said doing his funny accent. I giggle and say,
"Haci como lo escuchas compa"
He laughs and says,
"Ok so you start"
I start singing Christopher's part and he waits for his part. We start singing together and it doesnt sound bad at all!
"You want to sing another one?" says Richard.
I nod my head and after choosing some songs we keep singing. I feel someone put their arms around me and it was Erick
He started singing as well. And when the song finished he said.
*gives me a kiss on the head*
"ok ya me voy "
I laugh and say to Richard
"Ay con este niño" and he laughs. We talk for a while and he ask me
"What else do you like doing other than singing?"
"I love playing soccer!"

"Aye jajaja me and the guys play that sometimes when we are bored"

"Jajaja and who wins?"

"Well we go on teams. And its always Joel and Christopher vs Me, Erick, and Zabdiel. But they always win 😂😂"

"Omg 😂😂"

We kept talking for a while and then i ask him about his gf.

"Idk if i told you but she broke up with me"

He tells me the whole story and i just shake my head 😒

Was all i could say.

"Im sorry"
I say and he smiles.😌
"Its ok"

I hug him and we stay like that for a while

But then

Lol cliffhanger hope you guys like it😂

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