World War III

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*five days later*

Yoyos pov:
I wake up. And look at the time. 5:00 a.m. i run my hands through my hair. And stood up. Ana hasnt been home for 5 days already. Which worries me. What if someone killed her. What if she got lost. What if she drowned in a lake or something. What if...
I turn around and see Joel.
Joel:" where you thinking of her?"
"Yea...we should go look for her again"
we have been looking for her since she left but we havent found her yet. Joel asked me why i didnt stop her from leaving and the reason why i didnt stop her was because i know she would somehow get away from me. And i didnt follow her because that would just make it worse. Joel isnt going to work for a long time since Ricky Martin is in a World tour and so is Wisin so the guys are staying here.
There are 7 of us and there are 5 bedrooms. Chris and Zabdiel wanted to share a bedroom Dani took Ana's room. Me and Joel took my room. And Erick and Richard took the other 2 rooms. At night i can literally hear Chris and Zabdiel from upstairs 😂 laughing and what not. Joel and i went down stairs to get to the kitchen and there was no one awake yet except for me and Joel so we went back up and told them to get up so we can eat some breakfast and then go look for Ana again. They all agreed and we went downstairs to eat. When we were finished we all decided to separate again. Me and Joel went to look near the Starbucks we were in when she left. Chris and Zabdiel went to look near the beach. Dani and Erick went to look at all the stores they could find. And Richard called Johann to help him look. Johann was Ana's cousin so he knew were she liked to go. Richard and Johann went to the old town were Dani and Ana had went. I hope this time we can find her..

Yamileth's pov:

We have been here for 5 days and its been amazing. We went to the mall in the morning and bought some clothes and then we went to the grocery store to get food.

Most of the food we got were chips 😂 man we were having a good time. And since both of us dont live with our parents we could stay here for as long as we wanted. And we were in summer vacations so we didnt have to worry about school either. We hurried up and went to the Starbucks that Ana and Yoyo had a fight in and quickly hurried up because we wanted to make sure they didnt see us. We went back to what became our house in just five days. We ate and waited an hour so we can get in the water and swim.

Ana's pov:

I couldn't have asked for more!! This girl is crazy!! She is funny, nice, hot of course, even her name is just something that fits perfectly. she became my sister in such a short amount of time and she is always there for me and she know when im sad or when im thinking of a guy or something. She probably knows bc i make a stupid ass face 😂 but whatever. There is not a time we arent laughing. We are always playing around like little kids. Which is awesome!!😂😂 one time we were so bored we started a World War III but instead of using guns and stuff like that we used something that is way more dangerous than that...we used....CHANCLAS!! No joke we were actually throwing chanclas at each other!!

I grabbed my phone and saw all the missed calls from Yoyo.
Yami: "so who is that" she said with a smirk in her face while she was looking at the picture of me and Yoyo as my lockscreen.
"Oh that. Thats Yoandri the guy i got mad at" i say giving a small smile. "Why" i turn around to look at her. "Do you think he is hot" now i was the one smirking and she was the one who was blushing. "OH MY GOD!!" i scream. "You like him" i say lowering my voice to a whisper.
Yami: "umm...

Damn Yami slow down 😂😂 anyway im so sorry i havent updated in a long time Yamileth_Cabrera_ hope you like this mija and those chanclas be flying 😂😂👡"now angels instead of using their wings to fly they be using them chanclas" ~me. 😂😂

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