"do you like her?"

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Yamis pov:

Great! They left me alone with Yoandri. Thank you so much guys i will kill you later. I just sit there with him not knowing what to say.
"They look cute together."
I finally say, he looks up at me surprised and says,
"I said they look cute together"
I say again.
"Well....i dont know about that."
He says.
"You are really over protective"
I say to him.
He blushes a little and laughs
"Yea, do you like her?"
"I look at him carefully not knowing if he is lying or telling the truth.
"Then why do you get mad when shes with Joel"
I smirk at him and he laughs
"I dont know"
He looks up at me and smiles. I feel my face heat up and i think he notices
He winks at me and i smile.
"Yamileth!" i hear someone yell my name. I turn around and see Johann there. He tells me to go over there with him in the water. He looks at Yoandri for a moment with a serious face. Then looks at me and smiles. "Ill be right back" i say to Yoyo. He nods his head and i walk over to Johann who is in the water.
I say to him
He has a smirk on his face as he walks closer to me
He keeps walking
"Johann what are you doing!"
He grabs me and puts me on his back.

"Johann stop!!" I hear him laughing

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"Johann stop!!"
I hear him laughing. Everyone turns around and looks at us while they laugh
"Im gonna kick your ass if you dont put me down!"
I say while hitting him and kicking him.
He throws me in the water and i stood up and chased him on the water. He was walking and i was swimming. I jump on his back and he falls. He then stands up and i splash him with water. He splashes back and reaches toward me. He goes behind me and hugs me while grabbing my hands.

I hear everyone screaming "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"I start blushing and he smiles

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I hear everyone screaming
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
I start blushing and he smiles.
He kisses me on the cheek and carries me out of the water. I go sit down where Yoyo was i and laugh.
"Ok im back"
I say and he laughs.
"Ill go get a towel for you." Says Yoandri.
He goes inside to get a towel.
Yoyos pov:
I see her all wet and shivering so i go get a towel for her. When i come inside i was gonna ask Ana where the towels were. I say her name but she doesnt answer. I didnt know which one was her room so i go looking in all of them. One of them was locked so i left it
I move to the next one and find Joels things. I keep going and going until i go in the last one. I see Joel and Ana sleeping on the same bed. She is right next to him and his hand is around her. My heart starts burning and my eyes start stinging. I close the door and leave. I go to the bathroom and find the towels i take them outside and take one to Yami.
She grabs it and puts it around her.
"Whats wrong"
She asks
I look down and then i look back up at her
"Go look"
"Anas room"
"What happened to Ana!?"
She quickly stands up looking worried.
"Nothing but you should go look"
She looks at me for a moment and then asks me to go with her.
"Oooh i want to go!"
Says Dani
"Me too"
Says Erick
"Que esta haciendo?"
Ask chris
"Ve i fíjate"
I say to Chris.
All of us go and take a look
I hear people saying "aww" and some gasp.
Dani takes out her phone and takes pictures.
"What are u doing?"
I ask her
"Pay back"
She says while still taking pictures.
"Well i guess its time to go to sleep"
Says Richard
We all agree and go to sleep.
I close the door and head to my room.
"Are you sure you dont like her?"
Asks Yamileth before going to her room.
I nod my head slowly and smile. She smiles back and hugs me. "Goodnight" she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek before closing the door to her room. I smile and go to sleep.
So..... What did u guys think. Its kind of Boring but whatever lol

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