mysterious eyes

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Anas pov:
I hear the doorbell ring and i haven't taken my clothes of yet so i get out of the bathroom to see who it was. At the same time i open the door Yoyo comes out of his bedroom. Just guess who it was.......yup it was CNCO. The real question did they know where i live..anyway i smile at them and Richard was the one in front. Right behind him was erick. Behind him Zab and Chris  right next to each other.
Ana- "hi guys how can i help you?"
Yoyo suddenly comes running from his bedroom to the door and rudely pushes me and goes right in front of me.
Yoyo- " heyyyy......guys...what are you guys doing here?!"
i had no idea what he was doing but i just ignored it.
Richard- " hey brodie whats up! Well we came for-"
Yoyo again rudely interrupts. But this time he interrupts Richard. He weirdly starts laughing so loud.
yoyo- " Jajaja .oh right ...come on in guys!!"
Richard- "thanks.....??"
He could tell there was something wrong with Yoandri but just like me he just ignored it. Or at least tried.
Richard- " hi"
he said to me with a huge smile on his face.
Ana- "hi"
i smile back at him and then we hug. Dani of course goes straight to Erick and they go sit down and start talking.
Yoyo- " hey umm...Ana would you like to go get us something.....please??"
And of course he used his smile to convince me and of course it always work.
Ana- "ok fine.....what do you want?"
Yoyo- "hmm how about Starbucks!!"
Ana- "ok sounds good!"
i ask them all what they want but instead they all decide to go. We all get in our cars. Dani usually comes in the car with me but she decided to go with the boys and since there was not a lot of space one of them had to come with me. Richard volunteered. So me and Richard in one car Zab, Chris, Erick, And dani in another and Yoyo on his own car. Yoyo said that we can go ahead and he will catch up to us.

Yoyos pov:
As soon as they left i hurry to the bathroom.
Yoyo- "Joel where are you!"
Joel- " im right here!! Thanks for leaving me here Yoyo!!"
Yoyo- " your welcome" i start laughing at Joels face after i said that. I help him get up and then i tell him we have to go to Starbucks.
Joel- "starbucks?? Really...Starbucks after you left me there u want to go to Starbucks!!?" he said with a confused look on his face as he was quietly screaming at me.( if that makes sence)
Yoyo- "well everyone left so we have to go with them"
Joel- " whatever"
We get in the car and drive to starbucks
Yoyo- " Just act like i picked you up somewhere else ok?"
Joel- "yup"
*skipping car ride*
Richards pov:
As soon as she said for someone to go with her i knew that was my chance to get to know her. As we were on the car there was this awkward silence. I didnt even notice i was staring at her until she said, "is there something on my face or what" she was smiling which made me smile too. "Yes there is" i say facing forward but turning my eye to where she was with a smirk on my face. "What is it" she started touching her face trying to find out what it was. "Two eyes, one nose,one mouth, two eyebrows" I started laughing and soon she was laughing with me too.
*skipping rest of car ride*

Anas pov:
Richard is a really nice and fun guy to be around. We should hang out more often. We all went in and got what we wanted and then went to sit down. "So there is just four of you" i ask the guys. "No,falta uno pero no esta con nosotros" contesta Erick. "Pues claro que no esta con nosotros Erick, si el estuviera aqui Ana no nos estaría preguntando si nomas somos cuatro. Ayy Erick porque no eres un niño normal" Says Christopher as he hits himself on the head. We all burst out laughing. Erick rolls his eyes as he laughs. "Pues si verdad" contesta Erick. Now we are laughing even more. 5 minutes later Yoyo comes in with this other person i didnt even look at them i just hear Yoyo say " im here guys, did you miss me?" he says as he puts his hands on the air with his starbucks on his right hand. "You were gone?! I didnt even notice you werent even here" says Dani sarcastically. We all started laughing except Yoyo. He just gasped and said " How dare you" We were all laughing once again. I was sitting right next to the glass window with richard in front of me. Dani and Erick were in a a separate table Chris and Zabdiel were on another table doing a periscope. Yoandri
Went outside to get his phone bc he forgot it in the car. I drop my napkin phone and bend down to pick it up but grab someones hand instead. I look up to see this handsome guy with mysterious brown eyes. "" i say as i take the phone from the ground  and give it to him. " ohh..thanks" he game me this smile i have never seen before. "Wait..actually this is yours" his smile turned into a embarrassed look. " oh yea right sorry" i say. He smiles again. "No need to say sorry. My name is Joel Pimentel, nice to meet you" he sticks his hand out for me to Shake. " My name is Ana Guzman" i say as i shake his hand. Yoyo comes back in and says, "Found it" He then stops and looks at Joel and then at me then at Joel and back at me.
I wonder why..

This was so long lol hope you guys like it even tho it was boring but just Saying there might be a surprise soon.... For three people or maybe four idk what do u think😏😏 and yes i did write it different i think its easier to read what they are saying doing this (ex: yoyo-") than doing this (ex: Yoyo:")

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