her place

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(since its kinda confusing to imagine some things i added pics)

Joels pov:
Ok i dont know what just happened. I just remember Yoandri and i went to starbucks bc he said his friends were there so i went with him. Then we ordered what we wanted and then he lead me to a table were Richard and this other girl was sitting. Erick and this other girl were sitting on the table right next to them and Chris and Zabdiel were sitting like 5 tables away. I think they were doing a periscope. And then a girl dropped her phone so i bent down to pick it up but when i looked up to see her. Her eyes made me freeze. Her smile idk what i was feeling.

Yoyos pov:
When i came back i see Joel and Ana holding hands. "Well that was fast." i say.
Both Joel and Ana look at each other with a confused look and then they look back at me. "What?" i say taking a sip from my stsrbucks.
"What did u just say?" Joel says. "I didnt say anithing."
"Yes u did Yoyo." says Ana with a smile on her face. "Oh...did i say that out loud?!" "umm yea!" Ana and Joel say at the same time....again. They look at each other and smile. Then idk what happened with me and i said "Can u guys stop holding hands already...just stop." "Damn calm down buddy!" says Joel kind of laughing. "No i cant calm down ok so just leave me alone!" at this point i was now screaming at them. "You know what! I had it with You idk whats wrong with you but your the one who needs to stop! You have been acting differently and you have been getting mad at everyone for no reason!!" Ana was now the one screaming at me...she was mad at me....and i hated that.

Yami's pov:
I just came in as usual and its usually calm in here but today there were some people having a discussion. There was one girl with a boy on her side and another guy was in front of them. I just get what i always get. Then i go sit down. As i was looking down at my phone i hear the door open. The girl was leaving. Should i go with her? I dont even know her tho. Who cares ill still follow her bc what if she crashes?! "Ana wait!" I hear the guy who was sitting down yell. "Leave her alone Rich-" i couldnt hear the rest bc i was already outside. She didnt go in her car she just cept walking and walking until she found this little forest.

"Hey!" I shout out at her

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"Hey!" I shout out at her. "Hey.." she says back as she turns around. "Are u ok?"
Ana-"yea...do ik you?"
"Oh no its just that you and your bf were having a problem and then you left and none of them followed you bc one of them told the other not to so i came here to make sure youre fine"
Ana- "oh nononono he isnt my bf he is my friend...well more like a brother but he has been having problems lately" "oh"
Ana-"yea...hey u wanna see somethin cool"
"Yea sure!"
Ana- "so i used to come here a lot by myself since no one else knows this place only me....and you know...so pls dont tell anyone about this place...promise?"
"Promise" i say
We walked a little more and then we stood in front of a dark cave.

"Give me your hand

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"Give me your hand." she says. It was dark and creepy but she has been here so i guess she knew were everything was on the cave she told me yo wait. She let go of my hand and moved something out of the way.
Ana- "lets go"

i was amazing it was just so beautiful

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i was amazing it was just so beautiful. "For how long have you known this place!?" i say as i look around with my mouth open. "Well my grandfathers great great great grandfather built it so my grandfather told me where it was. But i dont want people coming in here and well you know...not make it private anymore."
"Oh im sorry" i say
Ana- " no dont worry its just you. Anyway do you want to see my fave part!" "there is more!!? And yes lets go!!" We climbed some trees and then jumped down and then jumped back up on others until i could see it.

"Damn!"  Ana-"jajaja

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Ana-"jajaja...so whats your name anyway?"
"Oh um my name is Yamileth what is yours?"
Ana- "mine is Ana nice to meet you"

Anas pov:
Me and Yamileth talked for hours until i finally noticed it was getting late. "Hey um..are you going home or do you want to stay here?"
Yami- " well my parents arent home is it ok if i stay here?"

are you going home or do you want to stay here?" Yami- " well my parents arent home is it ok if i stay here?"

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((this is the house they saw when they came in the first time and were they are going to sleep))

"Yea sure why not"
We went back to the
House that was there and entered. It smelled like roses in here. There were so many rooms we chose one inside it was huge.

Ill post the 2 part of this tomorrow lol sorry 😂😂 Yami hope you like it even tho it was so boring lol 😬😂😂

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