were are they?

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yoyos pov:

Well that didnt go well. I just look at everyone and just stayed quiet for a minute.
"Shes gonna be so mad at us" says Erick.
"Nah. She cant be mad for a long time" i say.
"Im gonna go check on her"
Says Yamileth standing up. We just stay there and talk some more.

Yamis pov:

I knock on her door but nobody answers. I carefully open it but no one is there. I then go to Joels room and do the same thing but again no one was there. I go looking in all the rooms but no one is there. I knock on Jaimes room since its locked and he says
"Yami? Is that you!?"

"Yea. Why is the door locked?"

"They locked me inside!"


"Ana and Joel"

"What!? Ok you know what im gonna get the keys brb"

I go searching in Anas room and i find the keys i open the door and i see Jaime on the floor. I call the guys to come help me

"Johann! Yoandri! Erick! Guys come help me!!!"

They all come running toward me

"Que paso!?" asks Chris

"Something happened to Jaime!"

"Lets take him to the kitchen" says Johann putting an arm around Jaime helping him get up
We decide to take him to the hospital since his nose was broken. I call Ana but she doesnt answer. I call her one more time and it sends me to voice mail i tell her we were gonna leave to take Jaime to the hospital and that i need to talk to her. We all leave not knowing were they are. We will just look for them tomorrow

Im so sorry i didnt update i just didnt have anything to write but ill make it up to you guys and ik this chapter was short sorry. I didnt even check it so if i spelled something wrong im sorry

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