And then i met her

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Anas pov:
The song finished and the guys started clapping and so did we and Lidia. That was everyone in the shop. I see Erick stand up and so does Richard. Dani holds my hand. And she only does that when shes nervous or scared. But... i mean i dont think she was scared why would she be scared of the guys. It not like they looked like el was the total opposite. Erick goes up to us and tells us we sing good but the weird thing is that while he said it he mostly looked at Daniela which made Daniela tighten her grip on my hand. Thank you all she said. I say thank you and smiled at him then he gives both of us a hug but When he gave Dani the hug she let go of me and it looked like the hug took for ever. Richard was right next to me. And after like 30 seconds of Dani and Erick still hugging we both take our phones out at the same time, look at the time and say , " ok love birds i think thats enough hugging for today" right after we finish saying it we look at each other and laugh. Zabdiel and Chris laugh as well. Chris: "jajaja ya ves asta estos dos liquitos aca les dicen que ya" then he laughs which make all of us laugh. I say hi to them and both of them answer at the same time..of course by saying what they always say " Dimelo mami!" i just laugh and say " Dimelo papi!" We all started laughing.

Zabdiels pov:
We told the girls to sit with us. They were very nice and well very funny too. I actually never met girls like them. They weren't even wearing make-up! Which you have to agree with girl dose that now a days. But they seemed very confident. After talking for about 2 hrs we exchanged numbers and left. We planned on seeing each other next saturday.

Richards pov:
I really didnt want them to leave. Especially one of them. She was so nice and funny and she had the same passion as me..singing. And i could see Erick liked her friend. Both of them love birds kept making eye contact and giggling for no reason. At that i just rolled my eyes and laughed. Ana saw me do that which made her laugh. I laugh with her as well. It was getting late already and we needed to go pick "him" up.

I wonder who that "him" is 😏😏 please keep voting and keep on commenting. Tysm💕

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