love is hard to understand

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Joels pov:

It was 3:00 am and i was the only one awake. I remember Yoandri told us to wake up at six but i just woke up at three. Since i came here, i couldnt sleep somehow. I dress myself. I decided to wear a black shirt with black jeans and my black vans and why not put on my hat. I grabbed the anchor necklace and put on my rings and bracelets. *pic above* and went outside. I find a place to sit on the grass. And just sit there doing nothing. Then i hear the door open and i turn around to see who it was. It was Richard. "hey Joel. What you doing up?" He says. "Hey. Nothing just sitting here. How about you?" I ask him. "same as you." he says as he sits beside me and takes his phone out. I think he was texting someone. But i didnt pay much attention to it.
It was just one of those moments when you just sit there and just stare into the distance thinking about life. I couldnt hear anything. Nothing at all. There where so many thoughts going through my mind. Then i feel someone tap me in the shoulder and it brings me back to reality. Richard was looking right at me with tears filling his eyes. I just put a confuses look in my face. And then i ask what had happened. He told me his girlfriend had broke up with him and had said he wasnt good enough for her and never would be. I then hug him and put my arm on his shoulder and tell him,
"hey, you dont have to cry for someone who doesnt deserve your tears neither your love." I always hated how some people just dont care about other peoples feelings. Couldnt she just break up with him and say she was sorry? Nope, she had to be rude about it and say that 'he' wasnt good enough for 'her' pfff come on thats pathetic! What does she think she is, a queen? A princes? Well to me she doesnt seem like any of them. Because another person already takes that place. He then hugs me and says, "Thank you brodie, for always being here for me when i most need you and for giving me advise all the time. But most important of all, thank you making me realise the importance of life and the importance of love."
I them tell him that there is no need to thank me and i also thank him for being there for me too. "I kind of feel relieved tho." He says as he nervously rubs the back of his neck. I laugh and say, "What do you mean?" Love can be hard to understand some times. "Well, she was always selfish and it looked like she was dating herself instead of me. And she never made me feel that special something inside. I only felt that the first time i saw her." Richard says. "Then why did you keep dating her?" i ask him. "Well she was really pretty and, i dont know, i really dont know why i still dated her if i didnt really like her." The phrase 'Love is hard to understand sometimes' kept on playing on my head over and over again. I dont know why tho. "Love is hard to understand sometimes." I finally say outloud. "It is." Richard says. "Thats the charm of it." He turns around and looks at me while smiling.I nod my head.

A few hours pass by. And we stay there talking and laughing. It was already five. I guess the saying "Time flies when you're having fun" does works. We get up and go back inside the house. We find Erick with his arm around Dani while they are sitting down on the living room. Me and Richard look at each other with a mischievous look on our face. We slowly walk toward them and put the camera on our phones with flash. We creep up behind them and then jump in front of them. then the fun starts. We start taking millions of pictures of them. The flash made it more fun since they couldnt stop us with their hands while covering their face. Richard and I both laughing our heads off. We could see they were getting really pissed off so we ran upstairs as fast as we could with them right behind us. We quickly go into a room and lock the door. It was the room where Chris and Zabdi where sleeping in. They were already awake and were just playing on their phones. As soon as we came in they both look up at us and asked what happened. Before we could even answer we hear someone banging on the door. "Dejenme entrar!" Ericks yells. "Que le hicieron?" Chris askes as he laughs. "Una bromita." Says Richard who then winks and makes us all laugh. Erick keeps banging on the door. "Tamo activo papi!" Says Zabdiel to Erick. "Ni que activo ni que nada. Dejenme entrar!" Erick says as he bangs on the door.
"Uy viejo calmate." Says Christopher. "Ya díganos, que le hicieron?" We walk up to them and show them all the pictures we took from both phones. We could hear them gasping and laughing at the pictures. "Locos! Los van a matar." Says Christopher as he was laughing. "You guys are going to pay for this!" We hear Dani say. "Sorry, no tengo dinero pa' pagar!" Richard says as he turns around facing the door. We start laughing even harder.
"What is going on" oops i think we woke Yoandri up. This is about to get good.
I was laughing while writing the last part. Lmao. Damn who knew the could be so savage 😈😂. Hope you guys like it. Dont forget to like and subscribe

wait nvm thats for YouTube. Lol. Dont forget vote and comment. Im going to update from now on every
And if i have free time i may update in between those days so just stay alert lol. Peace out potatoes 😂 oh yea wait one more thing😂 thanks for the votes and comments it makes me feel happy when you guys comment.😌

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