im sorry call

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*one month later*

anas pov:
I was sitting on my bed looking at my phone looking at all the pictures i had with Yoandri. When out of no where i start crying. And not just some simple tears. I was drowning in my tears. I hear the door slam open and i see Yamileth come in with a worried look on her face. I should be thankful to have her.
Yamileth: Ana!! Girl what happened! Que tienes?!

She sits next to me and holds both of my hands on hers. She then hugs me and waits for me to calm down enough so that she could understand what i was saying.

Yamileth: que tienes? Porque lloras?

Ana: lo estraño. Lo estraño mucho. Y el ya no me quiere ver!*starts crying even more*

Yamileth: mira. Dont say that. Yo estoy segura de que el te extraña también. Y de que esta preocupado por ti.

I look at her for a momment and then i ask her

Ana: have you ever fallen in love with your best friend?...

Yamileth: um...yea. His name was Johann....we had known each other since second grade. *smiles*

I had notice that everytime she was telling me something about her or her life she always looked at the wall, as if the wall had her story written on it. Yamileth wouldnt take her eyes of the wall until she finished talking.

Ana: and what happened to him? *wipes tears of her face*

Yamileth: he already had a girlfriend. *stops looking at the wall to look at me for a second* but that didnt mean i couldnt love him...

Ana: well he must have been really stupid to not break up with her to go with you

Yamileth: *laughs* he would never break a girls heart.

Ana: then what did he do when you told him?

Yamileth: i never did... I didnt want to ruin our friendship. But why are you asking? Do you like Yo.... whatever his name is *laughs*

Ana: im not sure... I dont know what im feeling. I have known him most of my life and i got mad at him for the stupidest thing ever!

Yamileth: we all make mistakes dont worry. Im sure his going to understand. *smiles and then hugs me*

Ana: should i call him?

Yamileth: you should.*hands me my phone*

Yoyos pov:
I was sitting on the living room with Erick when my phone starts to ring. I motion for the guys to lower the volume but they didnt hear me so i stand up and go upstairs to my room. I find Joel there laying down on the bed with his phone. I close the door behind me and answer.

*on the phone*

Yoyo: hello?
Ana: hi
Yoyo: ana? Is that you?!
Ana: yea...yoan(gets interrupted by yoyo)

*Joel sits up and listens to Yoandri while still holding his phone*

I keep on talking and talking to Ana telling her how much i missed her and telling her i was sorry. i couldnt hear her at all. It was probably because i kept talking.

Ana: yoandri.... yoandri.. YOANDRI LISTEN TO ME!!!

At that momment i stayed quiet and waited for Ana to talk

Ana: im sorry...

Was all she said

Yoyo: if there is someone here who needs to apologize its me...Ana im sorry. I just got a little jealous when i saw you were having fun with Joel.... *turns around to look at Joel* i...i just dont want to lose you.... You are everything i have left...

Ana: yoandri...i...i dont know what to say...

Yoyo: its all right you dont have to say anything...
Well hi guys i havent updated since may 28😱 well its not like if anyone even reads my story anyway lol. Hope you guys like it and im sorry if you think its short even tho its like 721 words but its 1:18AM and im tired bc i had soccer practice for 3 hours and it was like 95° outside and it was humid so it felt like hell😂  lol hope you guys like it anyway GN/GM :-)

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