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Ericks pov:
Richard kept on looking out the window. And i knew he was thinking of something. I started talking to him until he finally heard me. He started talking but it still looked like he was thinking of something else. So i just gave up.

Yoyos pov:
" hey so what do you want to do?"
Joel:" idk. What do you want to do? We already played soccer,basketball we watched 2 movies and we singed like 10 songs lmao jk jk it was like 5 i think right?" yoyo:" ha yea. We pretty much did everything" i laugh. Joel:" ha true" he laughs. All of a sudden i hear people laughing.....its Ana and Dani!!! They are back! We both look at the door and then look back at each other with a scared looked on our faces. Joel:" what do i do!" Joel said in a loud whisper yoyo: " idk!! Hide!!" Joel:" but where" we both run around the house like maniacs and i shove poor Joel into the bathrooms. I run back and sit on the table really quickly. I hear a door open woo just in time! They both come laughing (like always) yoyo: " hey whats up how did it go?" Dani:"good.." she said with i confused look on her face since i never ask them.." uuugh i just made things worst now they are probably gonna start asking me questions...good job Yoandri" i say in my head. Dani:" why?... Yoyo: " well..just...bc..i wanted to know.. Since your laughing" i say with a smile on my face. Ana:" and its weird that we come in laughing bc...?" uugh Ana i love you and Dani but seriously stop asking me questions!!! But i just say that in my head. Ana: " oh and um why are you sitting on the table? You know there is this thing now called a chair" Dani started laughing and soon her face was red. Yoyo: " oh que la chingada its a free country so puedo hacer lo que se me de la regalada gana!!" goodnight now!"  i went go to my room and as soon as i close the door i hear both of them start laughing. Dani:" oookay then" then they laugh even harder. Fr bro i dont get how girls laugh so much!!

Anas pov:
So we come back and Yoyo was in a bad mood so we just ignored it. I was so tired i needed to take a bath to relax. Ana:" hey Dani do you want to stay the night with us!!" Dani:" really!!?" Ana:" yea why not" dani:"omg yaas!!" she stands up and gives me a hug. Ana: " do you want to take a bath first or do you want me to go first?" Dani:" you can go first" I go to my room and get some sweat pants and a shirt and my towel and head to the bathroom.

Joels pov:
So Yoyo just left me here ok then. I look around and the only place that was big enough for me to hide in where some cabinets so i just try to fit in one. Why do i have to be so tall! Right After i get in the cabinet i hear someone open the door. I thought it was Yoyo that came yo tell me it was safe to come out but then i hear someone singing. It was a girls voice!! And im here....in the bathroom.....with a girl...and shes probably going to take a bath bc i never hear of people singing while their sitting on the toilet so like yea...that ment she was going to be....n.a.k.e.d o gaawd!!

O my gaawd what do you think!?! 🙈🙈🙈 hope you guys
Enjoy and umm i regret using my name in the story now😂😂😂 just imagine it was another Ana. Ok?...ok😂😂😂 the pic above is where Joelito was hiding lmao poor joel Yoyo just shoved him in there 😂😂😂😂😂

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