that special someone

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Danis pov:
All of a sudden i heard music playing. But that song...there was something special about it..i felt my face turning a little bit red but i dont think Ana notices shes to busy still trying to find were the music is coming from...the weird thing is shes still holding on to me from the hug but i dont mind even tho i do have to say..shes very huggable so is Yoandri...i wonder what his doing but right now but all i care about is to find him..i mean them...i mean the music...yeah.
Ana snapped me out of my thoughts when i heard she started singing along too. I think she spotted them. It was CNCO.. Just two tables away from us and we didnt even see them wtf anyway i decided to join on with her..." porque tu me miras y yo siento lo mismo que tu"

Anas pov:
I couldnt help myself...that was my favorite song....i started singing and like ten seconds later Dani joins, you wish you were there. When all of a sudden they turn around...i couldn't move i couldn't breath either. But i kept singing so did did they.

Ericks pov:
We had a free day today. So why not go get some ice cream. When we got there Lidia said hi to us and asked us if we would sing today. Richard: " yea sure why not" he looks at all the guys and we all say yes. We get our ice cream and go sit down were we usually sit. After a few minutes we decided it was time to start singing. We started singing and after a while i could hear five people singing and then six. There were two girls singing with us. We turn around and to our surprise they knew all the lyrics. my part was coming up. One of the girls stayed quite but the other one singed with me. She was beautiful...and her voice was amazing...i was looking right at her eyes and she was looking at mine. I looked at the other girl and she was just smiling. And i think she noticed me and her friend looking at each other...

Ok guys ill stop adding that much funny stuff in the story lmao i think that way it will be better unless you guys want it to be funny but oh 🐳 idk if you guys noticed but there is this one part that makes no sence or you just thought i mest up but nope it will make sence later on the story...a pic of Yoyo and Dani even tho Yoyo wasnt there lmao but i mean there is no pic of me with Dani and CNCO is there 😭😭😂😂

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