the secret

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yoyos pov:  the pic above is of mine and yoyos house.

Ana and Dani just left and like ten minutes after they left he gets here. He comes in and asked me were Ana was. He has never seen her neither has she seen him but idk why for some reason i think Ana will get mad at me for inviting someone over. I really dont know why i think that. Ana only got mad at me once...yup when she was 13 she was dating this guy named Bryan everyone called him shorty for some reason the thing was..gey...not saying there is anything wrong with that...but the thing is he was using her so that no one would find out he was gey. Ana really liked him..and i really care a lot about Ana and Dani they are like my sisters. So one time i did something to him to get him away from her. At first she didnt know why he broke up with her...she was heart broken but then Bryan told her it was my fault and yeah....she was mad at me ..but then again..Ana can never get mad at anyone she might just be mad at you and them 5 seconds later she would be talking to you again and laughing with you...

Richards pov:
I kept on looking out the window..and i only do that when im really deep into my thoughts.. I could hear someone talking i just didnt make up what they were saying. Erick:" wey..wey..hey te estoy hablando"
Richard:" huh..que...que dices?" i say like if i just woke up from a long dream. Erick:" que te pasa? Te sientes bien?" what does he mean if I feel good...i feel amazing!! But i just said " uh oh si..porque? Me veo mal?" Erick:" no nono es solo que estas como en otro mundo" he said tilting his head trying to read me.
Richard: "que?" i say with i confused lokk on my face. Erick starts laughing for no reason and  without warning. I think he  knows whats wrong....

Ik ik its a short chapter but just did it for my mija...yes u know who u are 😏😂😂 yup u right there. Do u guys have any clue who " him" from the last chapter is??! I think i spelled gey wrong is it gay or gey huh idk lmfao 😂😂😂

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