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Joels pov:

"Whats going on!" Says Yoyo as he comes out his room.
"Estos locos que nos estan molestando!" says Erick. "Guys open the door! Erick wont do anything ill hold him!" yells Yoandri over the door. Richard and i just look at each other. "Ok" we both say. Richard carefully opens the door. And we find Yoyo holding Erick. "Ok,now, what did you guys do?" asks Yoandri while looking at all of us really carefully. "Nada" i say. Smiling at Yoandri all inocent. "Guys.....what happened?" says Yoyo looking really frustrated. Richard was about to start talking but Yoandri interrupted him. "Guys we are gonna be late hurry up!" Yoandri was walking up and down. "Dude" yoyo kept walking...."dude" says Joel trying to get his attention. But yoyo didnt seem to hear him and kept walking. *slap* "ouch! What was that for!"
"Im sorry but we are trying to talk to you and you keep walking around like a maniac so stop complaining and listen!" Dani was yelling at Yoandri. I could hear Zabdiel and Christopher laughing. "Damn mami, i better watch out because i dont want you to slap me" says Erick. Dani just giggles. "We are all ready, its just you left." says Zabdiel. "Really"
"Yes!" we all say at the same time. A couple of minutes later we were already on our way. We were just listening to music and singing in the car.
*skip car ride*
Once we arrived at Starbucks we went in to order something. We also had Johann come with us. And Jaime...... I dont know if that was a good idea but we brought him anyway. We were walking on the woods just looking around for Ana.

Yamis pov:
Ok so today was the day. I would finally meet Yoandri...and the other people too of course. "Are you ready?" says Ana as she stands unfront of me waving her hand in my face. "What..huh..yea. Lets go." i grab my phone and put it on my back pocket and follow Ana outside. What if i liked him....what if i hated him...idk what if.. "Yami? Are you ok?" Ana says with a worried look on her face. "Yea im good." i answer. She just looks at me for a while then just keep walking. After a couple of minutes of walking we hear someome talking. "Its them" she whispers. They see us and one of the guys and a girl run up to her and hug her. I just stand there smiling. "I missed you!" one of them says. I look at him and notice he is the guy that was on her Thats Yoandri. He is not that bad. I mean look at him. And that smile. I have never seen before. Woah Yamileth what are you thinking! Stop thinking that! "Yamileth! Oh my lord! Its been so long since I've seen you!" "Johann? Is that you" "yea, its me!" he opens his hands wide open for me to hug him. And i do so. "Wait, you guys know each other?" asks Ana "yea, since we were in second grade" says Johann. She probably forgot what i had told her. "Oh ok" she says. "Well Johann is my cousin" she says as she laughs. "Well shall we keep going" she says on a weird accent. "We shall" says Yoandri as he waits for her to hold his hand. "Oh wait" says Ana as she lets go of Yoandri. She goes and says hi to everyone else. And hugs them. Then when she sees Jaime she just stands there for a while looking at him. "Hi, do you remember me?" asks Jaime. "Yea.. Nice to see you again" she slightly hugs him and then moves on to Joel. "Hey" says Joel smiling. "Hi" she says back. They just hug which was pretty weird. And then she goes back to Yoandri. Yoandri was not smiling anymore. Ana looks at him and smiles then she kisses him on the cheeck and says. "I love you Yoyo" he smiles again and says "i love you too." i walked back the whole way with Johann. Ana also introduced me to them and they were all so nice. Once we got to the little cave they did the same thing i did the first time Ana brought me here. "Dont tell anyone, ok?" says Ana looking at all of them really carefully. Some nodded their heads and others said yes. We walked in she told them what room they would be sleeping in. We all ate and after that they all went in the water. Except Ana. She just sat down looking at all of them. She was laughing at the guys since they were just pushing each other into the water. Then Joel took his shirt off and jumped into the water. He turned around to look at her but she acted like if she hadnt just seen his abs. And then i laughed because she was blushing. "What?" she said looking at me. "Nothing" i say and wink at her then i look at him. Which made her get even more red.

Anans pov:

Omg i did not just see that. Damn omfg i...i im dying a little inside. He looks a.. What am i saying! Nononono i better get up and do something else otherwise he is going to catch me looking at him. I get up and say, "ill be right back. Im gonna go get some towels" they all turn around and and say ok. When i was gonna go inside someone pulled me by the arm and put their hand on my mouth.
"Its ok" he said...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~im so sorry i didnt update on monday and wednesday i thought today was tuesday until i asked my grandma 😂😂 omfg whats wrong with me. Lol anyway hope you guys like this chapter and who do you guys think it was. And yesterday was my Suegras bday so yyaaay!😂😂💐

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