the evil potato

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I hear someone cough really loud so i let go off Richard. And surely it was Joel standing in front of us with his arms crossed. I look at him and stand up.

"Hey bro whats up?"
Says Richard.

Was all he said.

I say looking at him as i could see he was bothered.


"Um.. Como...dormiste?"


"Oh que bien... Um.. Quieres que te traiga algo?"

"No. No tengo hambre."

He goes back inside and slams the door.

Richard looks at me confused and says,

"Go talk to him"

I nod my head and go inside.

I go to his room and knock on the door. But he doesnt answer. I open it slowly and look inside.
I see him laying on his bed face down. I go and lay on top of him.
"Whats wrong?"
I ask.




"Tell me"


"Whats wrong"

"Nothing is wrong"

"Boy! You want me to fight you or something?!"

"Sounds nice"

i smack his head and say

"You want me to hit you dont you?"


"Wow ok bye"

I get up but then run and land on top of him making him moan (oh shit😂)

"Ah te dolio verdad! Pues calmate pues!😂"

I was about to stand up but he grabs me by the hips and makes me fall.

He gets on top of me and grabs a pillow and starts hitting me. I reach for the other pillow and hit him back. I manage to get free from his grip and run outside. I go over to Erick and say

"Erick alludame!!"

Erick 'tries' to protect me but Joel hits him on the face and he falls and acts like if he was dying and says on a whispering voice,

"Ana... Im sorry.. Run and dont look back" then he drops his head to the ground and closed his eyes.

I keep running and head to Zabdiel and the same thing happens. Then to Chris, Richard, Yoyo, Dani, and Yami. I run to Johann and tell him to save me. He acts tough and defeats Joel. Joel falls to the ground and plays dead. I drop to my knees and put my head on Joels chest and start crying.
"Joel... Why!!!! Joel whyyy!!!!"

We all start laughing and everyone stands up.

I go over to Johann and hug him

"Gracias Johann you saved me from the evil potato!!"

He laughs and fixes his hair and flexes 😂😂💪

"What could i say.... I work out a lot"

"Si pero en la taqueria"

Says Yoyo

We all start laughing except Johann and he just nods his head.

"Yola tu callate mejor"

"Pobresito de Johann. Casi ni come"
Jokes Yamileth

"Ay si verdad!! Estoy bien flaco!!"
Says Johann

"Si claro como no"
Me and Erick say at the same time.

We go back inside to eat and then Yamileth says,

"Can someone go tell Jaime its time to eat? I think he is in his room."

"Ill go" i say as i stand up. Joel looks at me and stands up
"Ill go with you"

"No, its ok i got it"

He looks confused but i still go upstairs to get Jaime.

I knock on his door. Two seconds later Jaime comes out.

"What do you want"

"You should go down and eat"

"Oh, ok ill be there"

I nod my head and was about to start walking when he grabs on to my wrist.



" very sorry..."

I could see he actually ment it. I just pat his back with out saying anything and just walk downstairs.

He follows behind me. After we finish eating Erick stands up and says,

"Les tengo una buena noticia"

Oooooohhh. 😮😮😮 i wonder what Erick is going to tell us😂 guys ill just do like 4 more chapters and ill be done with this story and i will start a new one. Or i will do one that i was doing in instagram....idk either one.

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