is this love?

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His eyes. What about them? He shot a gun at my heart everytime he would look at me. They cough me in their deepness. The way they sparkled i would think they are starts and galaxys.
"Joel" i say but he puts a finger on my lips "shh you dont have to say anything" the door flings open and i quickly stand up as Joel drops to the floor acting like if he was looking for something. "Jo.... Oh hi Ana where is Jo...nvm what are you doing on the ground?" Yamileth says as she comes in. "Im looking for my phone." he says. "Ana what are you doing on Joels room?" she smirks at me and does a kissy face. "I.. helping him" "yea shes helping me!" says Joel not looking at Yamileth. "What happened to your wrist!" she says with wide eyes as she walks toward me. She grabs my arm and looks at me. "I fell in the rose bush outside" i say looking at my arm and not at her. She looks at me suspiciously before letting go of me. "Oh um who took care of it?"
"i did" says Joel as he stands up. "Oh well thats nice.." she winks at him playfully and he starts to blush. "So what can i help you with." says Joel. "Well first of all put your shirt on because i keep getting distracted?" she says pointing at him. "Yami!" i say laughing. "Oh ok i guess Ana wants it like that. Don't put it on then" she looks back at me and smirks. I can feel my face turning red. I look at Joel and he is turning red too. "Thats not what i ment" i say laughing. Joel grabs a shirt and puts it on. I dont know why but i bite my lip while he was putting it on and Yami sees me. Her eyes are wide open again and she starts laughing. Once i noticed what i was doing it was to late because Joel was looking at me. Omg what is wrong with me. "So Yami what do you need" says Joel looking at me then at Yami trying not to smile. "Well its Yoyo the one who needs you but he didnt want to get out of the water. So he asked me if i could come" she smiled when she said yoyo. "Ok tell him ill be there" he says. "Ok." and with that she leaves the room. I didnt know what to do so i follow behind her. "Ana" he says as he holds on to my shoulder not wanting to touch my wrist. I turn around and look at him. "Im sorry" he says. "It was my fault sorry" i dont know if i actually ment it or not but i just went with it. We go outside and go toward the guys. Before we are there he gives me a peck on the lips and says "i had to" and walks to Yoyo. I stand there completely frozen. Did he just..... Yamileth who had seen it all stays there with her mouth wide open. Joel sits on the grass sitting next to Yoyo who was already out the water waiting for him. I go sit with Yamileth and acted like nothing happened. Or atleast tried... I was looking at my fidgeting fingers. "So..." she says. "What" i say back.
"What was that"
"What was what?"
"That what?"
"Ana stop acting"
"Wdym idek what you are talking about?!"
She gives me one of those 'really nigga' looks and then says
"I saw that"
I knew she had, but i just stayed quiet looking down.
"Do you like him"
"I dont know"
"Come on! How do you not know when you like someone?"
"I dont know...."
"Did u feel anything?" she says waiting for my answer
"I dont know"
"Hello!, is Ana there! I need to talk to her please!" she says waving at me.
She sees me looking at something and sees what it is. It was Joel.
He kept on looking at me once in a while. Yoandri sees him too so he turns around and sees me. He stands up and walks in my direction.
He grabs the chair next to Yami and sits down. I look at Yami and i see her blush..
He looks over to Joel and says
"Come on slow poke"
I laugh a little and he smiles
Joel was gonna sit next to Yoandri bc i know he felt the tension between everyone in the table so he didnt want to make it worse.
"Nope, sit next to her"
He puts his legs up on the chair and points to the chair next to me. Me and Yami both look at each other. Joel sits next to me and tries not to look at me and i try the same.
"So...hey how are you guys doing"
Says Yoandri while smiling
"Hey", i say "im doing good how about you?" i say "good" he says. There was an awkward silence then Yoandri says "I missed you Ana" i feel Joel tense up and i look at Yami who is not smiling anymore. "Um..i.i missed you too" i say
"Hmm.. Only me?"
"Who then, Joel?"
Me and Joel both look at each other and i smile forgetting that Yoyo was there for a minute.
"Yea" i say to him
"Well thats nice"
We just stay quiet for another minute and then Joel says something i never thought he would say...and less infront of Yoandri
"I missed you too, even tho we just met that day... I missed you. And im glad im with you again."
I look at him not knowing if he just said it to get Yoandri mad or if he actually ment it.
We looked at each other for i guess a long time because then i hear Yoandri clear his through. We look back at him.
"Well... Thats nice" thats all he said.
After a while we stay there talking for a couple of minutes. And of course the silence was broken by Yamileth. She starting making us all laugh.
"Have any of you seen Jaime?" asks Yoyo
Me and Joel look at each other.
"He wasnt feeling good" i say
" yea he said he felt like someone had beaten him up" Joel says laughing
I elbow him he clears his throat and say "sorry" i smile at him nervously.
" oh ill go check on him" says Yoyo standing up. Me and Joel both stand up and say
"No its ok ill go"
We look at each other and laugh.
" we will be right back" says Joel winking at them
"Have fun!" i say smirking at Yami. We left and went to see if Jaime had waken up. We find him on the bed awake. Joel hold my hand and smiles at me. We walk in and wait for him to look at us. Once he looks at us he says
"Get away from her! I wont let you take her away from me"
"Im not letting go of her"
"Dont touch my Girl!" yells Jaime
"Shes not yours!"
"Well she isnt yours either so let go of her!"
I can see both of them where getting mad.
"Yes she is" Joel says
"Hahahaha and how are u gonna prove that?"
Joel turns to me and kisses me. At first i didnt know what to do. Then i just kiss back. Jaime tries standing up but falls to the ground. He manages to get up and pulls me away from Joel. Then he throws a fist at him and Joel falls. It had hit him right in the eye. I tried helping him but Jaime grabs on to me. He puts me against the wall and tries kissing me. I knew Joel had broken Jaimes nose so i punch him there. He falls to the ground in pain. I run to Joel and help him get up. I lock the door and take Joel to my room. I didnt know how to fix his eye so i tell him to lay down. He lays on my bed and i sit next to him. He pulls me so i lay down next to him. He smiles at me. "Why did you do that?" i ask him. "I dont know" he said. I tell him to go to sleep since it was already late.
"I cant sleep in your room" he says.
"Its ok dont worry, i wont rape you" i laugh at what i just said. He laughs too but tries not to since it hurst him. "Ok then, if you say so" he says. I start to sing 'Noviembre sin ti' while i play with his hair. He slowly falls asleep like a baby does when you sing to them. I kiss his forehead and whisper 'I think i love you' after humming a couple of songs i fall asleep too.

Awww i wish😭😭😭 but anyway hope you guys like this chapter and yea! 😂 i dont know what im doing at 2:35 in the morning writting but whatever i felt inspired so lol. And DAMN🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥THAT PIC AT THE TOP THO🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😏😏😍😍😍😍 ITS GETTING HOT IN HERE!!!!
1533 words!!😱😱😂😂
THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH THIS MEANS A LOT TO ME. i was actually gonna stop writting but i guess not anymore. Thank you!!

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