i dare you to...

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Yoyos pov:

*on the phone*

Yoyo: are you coming back?

Ana: um...yea but. Wait hold on a minute...*covers phone speaker to side talk to Yami* should i tell them to come over here?

Yami: if you want. This place is now yours. Although isnt it supposed to be secret?...

Ana: But they are my friends tho....idk should i do it....you know what im gonna do it. *takes hand of phone*

Yoyo: yea?

Ana: um lets do something. Go to the starbucks we were in last time and go to the woods that are neer it. Dont ask why just do it. Bring the guys and Dani if shes still there with you. And bring um..swimsuits and food too. *laughs* but....make sure no one sees you coming over here. And...dont bring anyone else but people we trust. Ok?

Yoyo: umm.....ok? So you want me to go to the woods?

Ana: yes... Oh i almost forgot. When you get to the woods just keep on going strait ok ill find you there i promise im not joking or anything just trust me...

Yoyo: alright....so tomorrow right?

Ana: ok then and yea tomorrow in the morning

Yoyo: ....um..ill see you there i guess.

Ana: ok ily see you there.
*hangs up*

Joel: what happened?

Yoyo: we are going to the woods tomorrow so find your swimsuit and go tell the guys. Ill go tell Dani.

Joel: why are we going to the woods. And why do we need swimsuits?

Yoyo: dont ask. Just go do what i told you to do.

Joel: ok mom *gets up and exits the room*

Ok so what do i need...hmmm..oh yea right. I need to go tell Dani *walks out the room and goes downstairs looking for Dani*

Yoyo: Erick. Have you seen Dani?

Erick: yea she was here a couple of minutes ago i think shes outside..il go get her *goes outside looking for Dani*

It was already getting late and we were all in the living room playing truth or dare since we had nothing else to do. It was my turn and i chose truth.

Christopher: is it truth you....yo no se *laughs* no ya se. Is it truth you like Ana...

Yoyo: umm... Oh look *looks at his phone* i got a missed call....ill be right back ok... *runs out of the room*

Ok um what should i do now...im just gonna go outside until i think they are finished playing.

Danis pov:

I was sitting with Erick watching tv and i think i got to close to him. And then i felt his arm around me.....i just had to go outside because i couldnt take it anymore. Minutes later he came outside looking for me and told me Yoyo wanted to see me. When i went inside Yoyo told me Ana called him and that we are meeting tomorrow in the woods. He also told me to take my swimsuits....idk why but i just did what he told me to do. A couple of hours later we started playing truth or dare and it was Yoyos turn. Christopher had asked him if it was true he liked Ana. He then made the excuse of having a missed call. He left the room so now it was my turn. I chose dare.

Richard: um...i dare you to kiss...* looks around at the guys* umm...Erick

Erick: que? No estaba escuchando. Que yo que?

So now i had to Kiss Erick and he didnt even hear it. So...it was going to be awkward although....i think i like him... Whenever im around him i always feel so happy and ....ugh idk whats wrong with me. But ok here i go...

Ericks pov:
It was Danis turn and i wasnt even paying attention. I just couldnt stop looking at her. I always got lost in her eyes. I could hear Richard's voice but i wasnt paying attention to what he was saying. The next thing i know is i see Chris and Zabdi acting like if they just saw a romantic movie and the guy just proposed to his gf. Richard had a "im savage" look on his face. And Dani...well her eyes were shining brighter than ever and she was looking at me. Thats when i started asking what was going on. No one answered. Dani stands up and goes sit right unfront of me. Chris, Zabdiel, Joel and Richard were fangirling. And Dani just smiled and very slowly got close to me. Once she was really close she attached her lips on mine. At first i didnt know what to do so i just stayed there with no reaction to what just happened. But after 5 seconds i realized what was going on and i kissed back. All the guys were screaming as if they just saw their idol right in front of them. Dani opened her eyes again and she stopped kissing so i did too. She then smiles at me and stands up and goes back to her place. Richard elbowed me bc i probably had a stupid look on my face. We played a little more and every now and then me and Dani would look st each other and smile. I winked at her and she giggled. After we were finished Yoyo came back. And said

Yoyo: oh i guess you guys are done playing..hmm too bad. There will be a next time. Anyway goodnight everybody and um..yea. Oh dont forget we are getting up early tomorrow.

With that he left to his room and so did everyone else.

This was a boring chapter lol. But the next one is going to be better (hopefully) anyway hope you guys like it. And thanks for commenting bc whenever you comment it makes me feel like someone actually reads my story lol

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