Chapter 11

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I dreaded this day to come. I hate first days of school, and especially starting at a new school. Thankfully, there were only 3 weeks of school, and then it was winter break.

I got out of bed and went into my bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the water, waited for it to heat up, stripped, and got in. I let the hot water beat down on my face, hoping somehow it would drown me, but it wouldn't be possible. I washed by hair and my body, and got out.

I dried off and toweled my hair to where it was damp. I went into my room and picked out some clothes to wear. I got out a pair of black ripped skinnies, and a Panic! shirt that had the album cover of "Too weird to live, too rare to die!" on it.

I went back into the bath room and blewdry my hair. It was really wavy, so I straightened it. Once I was done, I went into my room and pulled on a black beanie. I grabbed my phone, my earbuds, backpack, and all black converse and went downstairs.

I was greeted by Billie and Jake sitting at the table. "Mornin Madi" Billie said with a smile. I said it back. "You have to walk to and from school today because I'll be at the studio for pretty much the whole day." He said. "Ok sounds good" I said with a 'half-assed' smile. "Love you guys" he said, and kissed mine and Jakob's head. He then walked out the door.

I never ate breakfast, so I just sat there awkwardly while Jakob ate his cereal. After a while he was done, so he got up and put his plate in the sink and walked out the front door to go to school.

I then put my shoes on, put my earbuds in and put my music on shuffle and walked out the door. It was only a ten minute walk.
Once I got to school, I walked in through the front doors and went into the office to grab my schedule. "Name?" The lady at the desk said blankly. "Uh Madi Rog- oh um Armstrong. Madi Armstrong" I figured that he changed my last name. "Here ya go! Your first class is in 5 minutes" she said with a smile. I whispered a small 'thanks' and walked to my home room.


The day went by slowly. A lot of people recognized me as "that one dude from Green Day's daughter" a couple people said that they were sorry he had to deal with me and that he didn't really want me. They told me to drink bleach so I would be out of his life. I just left it alone. I knew what would help.

I walked into the house and went straight up to my room. No one but Jake was home. I walked into my closet and took out the small blade I had hid in a jacket pocket. I then went into my bathroom and held my arm over the sink. I slowly dragged the blade over my arm and the blood started pouring out into the sink. It felt horrible yet amazing at the same time. It was pain I could control.

I fucked up my whole left arm and I had cut kinda deep. I had made at least 20 cuts when Billie came into the bathroom. I gasped and threw the blade down.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING MADI!?" He screamed. It made me really emotional when he said that, and I don't really know why. The tears just started pouring down my face. He came over to me and took my arm. He looked at all of the cuts and HE started crying. "Why?" He said softly, the tears rolling down his face.

"There were these really rude people at school today that recognized me as your daughter and they said that you didn't want and they told me to drink bleach and shit." I said. He grabbed a towel and ran it under the water. He then washed off the blood from the cuts with it. He grabbed gauze tape from the medicine cabinet and rapped it around my arm. "We're gonna need more of this. Let's go to the store really fast." I nodded and he gave me a hug. A really long hug to be exact.

Hey guys! We are really close to 400 reads and I just want to thank all of you. Beware of the next chapter; don't think I'm copying. It is somewhat going to be based off of how Skye gets kidnapped in 'Here Comes The Rain Again'. Soooo yah. Hope everyone has a good day!
Rage and love ❤️ ~Madi

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