Chapter 18

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  I woke up to the annoying sound of my phone alarm and quickly shut it off. I had two choices- I could stay in bed until I was late for school and then not have to go, or I could get up and be productive. I chose to just get up because it wouldn't be worth it to have dad yell at me until I got my ass out of bed.

  I got up and went into the bathroom. I brushed out my hair and let it fall over my shoulders. It was still straight from when I straightened it yesterday. I then brushed my teeth and did my makeup. 

  I went into my closet and picked out some black skinny jeans and a faded Metallica shirt. I picked out a pair of all black converse high tops and put them on. I grabbed my phone, my earbuds, and my backpack and went downstairs.

  Dad was in the kitchen cooking. "Wow you're actually making something?" I asked with a smirk. He laughed. "I can make stuff.." He paused. "As long as it comes out of a box." I laughed. I sat down at the table and he put some waffles in front of me. I ate them quickly and and then put my plate in the sink. I grabbed my bag and went over to hug Dad. "Have a good day at school babe." He said and kissed the top of my head. "Like that's gonna happen." I said with a smirk and walked out the front door before he could say anything.

  I arrived at school ten minutes later and I could feel the stares the minute I walked in the door. "Why weren't you here for 2 weeks?" Said one of the popular, bitchy girls. I just kept walking. I wasn't dealing with this shit today.

  The bell rang and I got to my first class and sat down. "Okay class we have a new student. His name is Jace, so be nice to him." Mr Mathews said. "Why don't you go over and sit next to Madi in the back there." He said to him with a smile. The boy came over and sat down next to me. God he was hot.

  He had somewhat tan skin with big, ocean blue eyes and pitch black hair. He had a black beanie on and a lip piercing. (AN: the picture at the beginning of the story is him :))Just my type. I smiled to myself and told myself to make a good first impression. "Hey I'm Madi Armstrong." I said to him with a smile. "Jace Connors." He said, and stuck out his hand.

  We worked on our math together for the rest of the period and we finished early. "So what bands do you like?" I asked him.

  "Well Green Day is my favorite band, but I like basically all the "emo" bands and like all 80s metal bands." He said smiling. "Interesting." I said with a smirk. "Yknow, you kinda look like Billie from Green Day. I don't know if you've seen him or not, but there's a strong resemblance." I smiled. "That's because I'm his daughter. Trust me I've heard of him. I like all of the bands that you like." I said smiling. "Really? That's so cool! I think we're gonna get along great." He said smiling that amazing little smile of his.


  We walked into the cafeteria and sat down against the wall seeing that there was no seats left. "Why don't you sit with anyone?" Jace asked me. "Because everyone here is an asshole." I said truthfully. He just smiled. "I don't know why such a beautiful, amazing girl like yourself would have no friends." He said with a smirk. Oh my god! The hottest guy I've ever seen, well, that's my age, was flirting with me. "I could say the same for you, but you only just moved here." I was terrible at trying to flirt back, so I just shut my mouth. We continued to talk until we were let outside.

  We walked behind the school to get away from all of the assholes. He grabbed my hand and we just walked around and talked. He put his hand around my waist and led my over to a wall the we could sit against. We sat on the ground, and just stared at the ground. I looked up at him and as soon as I did, his lips were against mine. I was a little shocked at first, but a started to kiss back not soon after.

  We broke apart after a good two minutes and I looked up at him. "So does this mean-" he cut me off. "Yes." He said and smiled. We got up and continued to make our way through the school day, hand in hand the whole time. I got my first kiss, and my first boyfriend in one day.

  It was soon the end of the day, and honestly, I didn't want to leave him. I gave him my number so that we could talk. He kissed me and we walked our separate ways.

  I walked into the house and I heard drums. I also saw Tré's car parked outside. I walked downstairs to the music room with a smile still painted on my face.

  "Hey Madi! Well someone's happy. Did you have a good day at school or something?" Dad said with a smile. "Yes I did, and I made a very special friend too." I then got a text from Jace saying hi. "Oh would you look at that! There he is now." I said giggling. "He!?!" Tré yelled. "Ooooh Madi has a boyfriend!"

  I just sat there smiling like a dork. "Do you have a boyfriend or something babe?" Dad asked me. "Yah I met him today. His name is Jace and he loves Green Day." I said. "I like this guy already!" He smiled "When do I meet him?" He said. "Wow I thought you'd be a little bit more protective. Maybe I could invite him over tomorrow." I said. "Yah sure! I'd love to meet the kid who stole my daughter's heart. Just be careful okay? I don't want you getting hurt. If this guy seems sketchy, let me know." Dad said with a smile. I said okay and went up to my room. Today was a good day for once.

Hey guys! Finally, a long overdue chapter. And it's kinda long too. Oh and thanks for almost 900 reads! I can't believe this story is getting so far! Have a good day/night!
Rage and love ❤️  ~Madi

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