Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
We walked out of the hospital and got into the car. I was still crying. I put in my earbuds, and blasted Green Day music. I obviously didn't care if I went deaf.

When we got home, I immediately went in the bathroom, and got my blades out of the small drawer. I haven't cut since she(mom) was first diagnosed, and I promised I wouldn't do it again when she found out. This was an exception though. I couldn't take the pain any longer.

I slowly dug the blade across my wrist. The blood started to pool out into the sink. The pain was unbearable, so I stopped after 5 cuts. They were deeper than usual, I guess I was hoping that something would actually happen this time.

I wrapped up my arm in gauze-tape, and went into my room to start packing. I grabbed all of my green day merch and all of my other band stuff and threw it into a big suitcase. I left an outfit out for traveling tomorrow. In another suitcase, I put in all of my regular shirts, pants, underwear, bras, and socks. My 4 pairs of shoes fit in there, too.

I got my beat up guitar and put it in its case, along with its straps, picks, and it's stand. The guitar was given to me by my mom when I was 11. She said it was my dad's and he left it here when he left.

Next, I got my backpack and put in all of my toiletries. What if my dad is single? How am I supposed to ask him for tampons? I have really weird thoughts. In a little pocket in the inside of the backpack, I but a couple of blades and some gauze-tape stuff. I would most likely use them. I mean, my dad probably doesn't care about me. He has been gone for 14 years of my life.

I finished packing everything and got into the shower. I stripped off all of my clothes, and stepped into the burning hot water. I scrubbed my hair with shampoo and conditioner. Then, I washed my body with some Bath and Body Works shower gel. It made my wrist burn really bad. I rinsed off my body and stepped out of the shower. I dried off and got dressed in some red and black sweatpants, a Fall Out Boy shirt, and a dark gray hoodie. Then I put my wavy hair up into a towel to let it dry before I blew dry it.

I walked into the living room and sat down to watch some TV and think about shit. I could hear Sean (A/N my stepdad) yelling in the next room. I was engulfed in The Big Bang Theory, my favorite show, when Sean came storming out of the next room and started yelling at nothing. He wasn't yelling at me either. He was cursing life and everything that had to do with it. He eventually started yelling at me. He said he hated me. He eventually got so pissed off, that he started throwing plates, cups, or any smashable thing he could find. Then he went to taking his anger out on me. He started hitting me and punching me in the stomach. I finally escaped and ran into my room to look at the damage he had done.

I had a small but deep cut above my eye brow and a bruise on my neck. I then lifted up my sweatshirt to find that my ribs and the whole right side of my stomach was covered in bruises. Now I see why it hurt to walk- or even move.

I crawled into bed and heard Sean leave. He was probably going out to drink. That alcoholic piece of shit.

Now came the part of telling my best friend. This was going to be hard. I decide to just FaceTime her. It would be more heartfelt.

I explained everything and after two hours of talking ,her mom told her that she had to go. We said our goodbyes, with a lot of crying, and promised to still talk to each other.

I walked back out to the kitchen and went into the fridge to find some dinner. Nothing as usual. Ever since mom had been in the hospital, Sean never went shopping, so I rarely ate.

I walked back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair out. I would straighten it in the morning.

I got into my room and crawled into bed. I checked my phone and saw that it was already 12:30 am. I decided that I would just sleep on the plane. How could I sleep anyway? I would be meeting this person they call my "dad" tomorrow. Some dad. He obviously doesn't care about me.

I decided to just watch some YouTube to get my mind off of things. I started to get tired and plugged my phone in and went to sleep.

Hey guys! A longer chapter this time cuz I wrote it over a couple of days. 856 words! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

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