Chapter 17

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We got back to the house and brought all of my new stuff in. It was a pain in the ass to bring the drums upstairs, but Billie and Tré carried most of it.

We walked into my room and I sat there deciding where everything should go. "What are you doing?" Billie asked me. "I'm deciding where I want to put the drums and the guitars. I think I want the guitars on the wall on the right of my desk, and the drums in that corner." I said, I pointed at where I wanted everything to go. They both nodded and Tré started to take the drums out of the boxes, and Billie put the hooks on the wall.

I helped Tré put together my drums and then hung up my guitars and my bass. I was really really excited.
--later that night--

I was in my room practicing on my bass. Billie came into my room and sat on my bed. I stopped playing. "You're getting really good Madi. I'm surprised! Are you good at everything?" He said with a laugh. "I guess so. I mean you are my dad, one of the greatest rockstars of all time. I inherited your talent most likely." I said with a smile. He laughed.

"You ummm kinda have to go back to school tomorrow." Billie said out of the blue. "But dad I don't want to! I hate school! I don't have any friends!" I said, pissed that he told me on such short notice.

"Well the good part is, you only have a week left and then it's winter break. And Thursday and Friday are half days." He said. I totally forgot about Christmas! "Speaking of winter break, what do you want for Christmas Madi?" Billie asked me. "I really don't want anything. I have everything I need and more. And you just bought me like $1000 worth of new stuff today, and Tré just got me drums!" I said truthfully. I honestly didn't want anything. "Well you like band merch and stuff like that, right?" Did he really just ask me that? Of course I do! I just nodded. "Well what bands do you like?" "I like Panic! At The Disco, fall out boy, umm green day, black veil brides, falling in reverse, all time low, umm stuff like that." I said. He nodded. "Well, that's settled then."

"You should go to bed. It's getting late." He said and stood up. He stretched and his shirt rose up like halfway up his stomach. 'Wow that's hot' I thought to myself. I mentally shook my head and looked down. I needed to stop seeing him that way. He was my fucking father for gods sake. My face got red. He walked over to me and hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight babe. Love you." he said and smiled. I muttered a small good night and an 'I love you'.

Thank god he didn't see that. At least I hope he didn't.......

Hey guys so here's a short and long overdue chapter. I've just been really busy so the updates are random. Hope ya don't mind! Also, this story has almost 800 reads!! Thank you to everyone who's reading this, I'm glad you like it!!
Rage and love ❤️ -Madi

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