Prompt #31

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Prompt: Okay so this wasn't actually a prompt but I wrote a Valentine's Day special for Mitch and Jace but forgot to post it oops here you go


"Hey! Get your ass out of bed!"

I groaned and yanked the covers over my head, burying my face against the pillow. I was being violently shaken.

"This would kill me if I was a baby!" I snapped without opening my eyes. "You can shake me in bed tonight but for now, let me sleep!"

"Not on my couch!" Shane said.

"I said bed, not couch," I grumbled, burrowing deeper under the blanket.

"Jace," Mitch said in annoyance, yanking the blanket away from me. "Get up."

I cracked my eyes open, glaring at Mitch. "I will end your life, Marion."

"I did the cute thing and bought you chocolates you piece of shit," Mitch said, throwing them at my face.

I groaned as they smacked my face and slid to the floor. I glared up at Mitch again, holding my hand out to him.

He took it and yanked me to my feet. I grabbed the chocolates off the ground, eyeing the box. Oh, right. Today was Valentine's Day.

"Get ready and meet me in the kitchen," Mitch said before leaving Shane's room.

"Why is he awake? He never wakes up before me," I whined, setting the chocolates down and grabbing a change of clothes.

"Beats me. Toss me a chocolate," Shane said.

"No, go get a girlfriend if you want chocolate," I said, changing my clothes. "Whatever, don't touch my candy or I'll fuck on your bed tonight."

I left his room and finished getting ready before heading out to the kitchen. I noticed a large bottle of Vodka with roses surrounding it and a note on it. Mitch was sitting at the counter and he noticed me. He grabbed the note off the bottle.

"Carol, thanks for not killing me all these years, even though you attempted to that time you threw rocks at me in high school. Here's your favorite liquor so you can forget how crazy me and the boys drive you. Happy Valentine's Day," he read.

"Your dad is so romantic," I said, laughing and sitting next to him.

"I got liquor out of it," Carol said, coming into the kitchen. "What are you two doing for the day?"

"We're going to hang out here. Valentine's Day is stupid and overrated," Mitch said.

"True that," I said. I leaned over and kissed Mitch's cheek. The day might be overrated, but I guess I could use it to be a little cuter with him today.

"I think your brother is going to the bar to get drunk and forget he's single. Your father made dinner reservations for us. Don't do anything that would make me strangle you while we're gone," Carol said.

"It's too early for dinner," Mitch said.

"We're also going somewhere. I don't know. Your dad insisted on keeping it a surprise," Carol said, shrugging.

"Did you really throw rocks at Jasper when you guys were in high school?" I asked.

"Yea. He acted exactly like Mitch and Shane when he was younger. So my friend and I threw rocks at his annoying ass," Carol said.

"And now we're married and have two angelic, precious children," Jasper said, coming into the kitchen. "I still have the scar from those rocks, by the way."

"This sounds eerily familiar to you and Ezra," I said to Mitch. "Do you have something you'd like to tell me? Are you going to marry Ezra and have two angelic, precious children with him?"

"I do not want anything Rio's had his hands all over," Mitch said. "I'll stick with you. You're way more attractive and I guess you're less obnoxious."

"How sweet," I said.

"Let's go. They're verging on cute and it's freaking me out," Jasper said, taking Carol's hand and leading her out of the kitchen.

Mitch got up and pulled me with him, kissing me. I hugged him and kissed him back.

"Go put swim trunks on and meet me outside," he said, giving me a light shove.

"I just got dressed!" I said.

"Well go get undressed," he said, heading down the hallway without another word.

I let out a sigh before going back to Shane's room. Shane was dressed and checking his wallet.

"Hey. I'm out to the bars with Jake and Sparky. Catch you later," he said, leaving his room.

I changed into swim trunks and went out to the backyard. Mitch was waiting for me, dressed in his own drunks.

He led me over to the hot tub and we got in the water together. He pulled out a bottle of wine, surprising me.

"What? Valentine's Day is hectic if you try to go anywhere. So I figured we could just have some wine in the hot tub and hang out together," he said with a shrug. "It's a stupid day, but since we're dating, we might as well spend it together, right?"

I held my arms out to him and he moved into them. The two of us shared a kiss, pulling each other closer.

No, I never thought I'd date Mitch. No, I never thought we'd get back together after we broke up.

But we were dating. We had gotten back together. Mitch had helped me to trust people and work on my drinking problems. I could never thank him enough for that.

"I love you," I mumbled against his lips.

"If I could be my own Valentine, you bet your ass I would be," he said, giving me his crooked smile. "But since I haven't figured out how to clone myself yet, I guess I'll settle for you." He kissed me again. "I love you, Jace."

So we cuddled together in the hot tub, sipping on wine, listening to music, and just being together. It wasn't extravagant, and I was damn happy to spend Valentine's Day like this.

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