Prompt #12

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Prompt: I would like to read something where Mitch and Jace just broke up a few days ago and Mitch is really really upset and Carol or Jasper find him in this state.


                I leaned back, closing my eyes, my arms wrapped around my legs. I was the one who had broken up with Jace. So why was I so upset like this?

                “Because you miss him, dumbass,” I reminded myself.

                It was true. Jace hadn’t talked to me since I broke up with him a few days ago. I guess he was barely even talking to Shane. Shane was pissed at me over it.

                But things would’ve only gotten worse if we had stayed together. I made the right choice. Right?

                Still, my heart ached at the thought of him. I wanted nothing more than to go see him and apologize, but I knew I needed to give him time to get over it. We would talk when he was ready to talk.

                But memories of us together flooded my mind. I missed him. I missed everything about him. And it had only been a few days. God, this was like torture. And I couldn’t even complain, because I had broken up with him.

                He was probably so hurt, and that killed me inside to know. I just hoped that he was okay. That his mom or his friends were helping him through this and keeping an eye on him so that he wouldn’t do anything stupid. I would never forgive myself if Jace did something stupid because of me.

                I groaned and banged my head back against the wall. Memories continued to flood into me, and I was barely clinging to my composure.

                My bedroom door opened and mom came in. She had laundry in her arms, but noticed me and almost dropped it.

                “Mitchell,” she said, setting the laundry down on my bed and coming over to me with concern in her eyes. “Mitch, are you okay?”

                “No,” I said, feeling sad and exhausted.

                She sat next to me and put an arm around me. “Mitch, your father and I are worried about you,” she said.

                “I’ll be fine. Give it a few more days,” I mumbled. I just couldn’t find it in me to put on an act right now. I was upset, and my parents knew it.

                “Mitch, it’s okay to be upset. You loved Jace,” she said.

                “Love,” I corrected.

                “Love,” she said with a nod. “But you did the right thing. Jace is like a son to me, and I love that boy like my own. But I’ve watched him grow up, and I know he has a lot of problems that he really can’t help. He’s broken. He didn’t trust you and your relationship was just going to consist of fighting and pain until you finally ended it on some horrible note and never spoke again. At least now you both have some time to get over it, mature, and maybe get back together.”

                I leaned against my mom, closing my eyes again. “I feel like a made a mistake.”

                “You didn’t. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but I honestly think you saved the relationship between you and Jace,” she said gently.

                “He hates me. Shane hates me. I hate me,” I said miserably.

                “He doesn’t hate you, and neither does Shane. They’re both just made at you. And you’re mad at yourself, when you shouldn’t be. You know damn well that you did the right thing,” she said.

                She sighed and punched me lightly. “Come on, I did raise a sissy boy who sits around moping after a breakup. I raised a son who knows when he did the right thing and doesn’t hate himself for doing that right thing,” she said. “It’s okay to be upset. But it’s not okay to beat yourself up like this.”

                She stood up, dragging me with her. “Now, come on. You’re going to come with me and your father since Shane isn’t home tonight. We’re going to have a bonfire and listen to Fall Out Boy and Set It Off, and make s’mores, and have some beers, and tell some stories.”

                “I don’t want to,” I said.

                “I don’t care. We’ll play the story came. Remember how that once turned out with the Power Puff Girls fighting off alien marshmellows?”

                I smiled a little at the memory and mom nudged me, a smile coming to her face as well. She put an arm around my shoulders.

                “There’s that crooked smile I love. Come on, Mitchy. Let’s go cheer you up,” she said, pulling me out of my room. 

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