Prompt #24

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Prompt: When Jasper lost Mitch while babysitting him and started crying when Carol got back (chapter 20 of Swan Song)


                “You look tired, Mitchy. Do you want to go inside?” Jasper offered to the four year old.

                Mitch shook his head. “No, daddy! I wanna play with you!”

                Jasper smiled and lightly kicked the soccer ball they were playing with over to Mitch. Mitch clumsily trapped it with his foot and kicked it back to his father.

                “Daddy, when are mommy and Shane coming home?” Mitch asked curiously.

                “Mommy will be home soon. And Shane is staying at Jace’s house tonight,” Jasper said.

                “I wanna go to Jace’s!” Mitch said.

                “No, no,” Jasper said, shaking his head. “The big boys don’t want you there. But guess what? That means they’re missing out on the awesome milkshake I’ll make you tonight.”

                “Yay!” Mitch cheered, missing the soccer ball. He turned and chased the ball. He picked it up and ran over to his dad, smiling.

                Jasper lifted the little boy into his arms and spun him around, smiling as Mitch let out delighted squeals. He stopped spinning him and kissed his cheek as Mitch wrapped his arms around Jasper’s neck.


                Jasper turned as his neighbor waved him over. He set Mitch down and hesitated before handing him the soccer ball.

                “You stay right here, Mitchell!” he said sternly. “Don’t wander off. I’ll be right back.”

                “Okay daddy!” Mitch said, dropping the ball and kicking it around a little.

                Jasper turned and jogged over to the neighbor. The two became engaged in conversation about the new neighbor across the street, the car accident that had happened nearby the day before, and the constantly late paperboy.

                “Well, that was a good chat. But I have to go put on dinner before my wife gets home,” the neighbor said with a sigh.

                “Yea, my son was looking pretty tired and we’ve been talking for a while. I should probably go put him down for a nap while I make dinner,” Jasper said.

                “See you later Jasper!” the neighbor said, turning and going back into his house.

                Jasper spun around with a smile. It dropped off his face as his eyes scanned the empty backyard.

                “Mitch?” he said in alarm. “Mitchell, where are you?”

                He checked his watch and cursed as he realized just how long he had been talking for. And he hadn’t even bothered to glance back at Mitch, figuring the kid would just play in the backyard with his soccer ball.

                Jasper jogged around the backyard, checking any spots he could think of in case Mitch was trying to play hide and seek. But Mitch wasn’t anywhere.

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