Prompt #26

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Prompt: The scene where Mitch&Jace first meet again in SS from Mitch's POV. Pretty please?


                I shut the car door and made my way up the front porch. I could hear Shane talking obnoxiously loud from inside, meaning he and my parents must be having dinner.

                But as soon as I opened the front door and stepped in, Shane’s voice stopped. I raised an eyebrow, shutting the door and going upstairs, turning down the hall to my bedroom. Bastard must have been talking about me.

                I opened my bedroom door and tossed my hoodie onto my bed along with the car keys. There was still no noise from the dining room, but I could smell food and it made my stomach growl.

                I shut my bedroom door and made my way back down the hallway, following the scent of food. The only noise was the sound of a fork being tapped against a plate. I turned into the dining room, where everyone looked up at me, a tense silence over everything.

                I spotted Jace staring at me, not even surprised that he was here. I’d heard my mom talking about him coming home, and knew it wouldn’t be long before he ended up at the house.

                Still, my heart ached at the sight of him. He was as attractive as ever, a guarded look in his eyes that killed me inside. He still didn’t trust.

                “Hey,” I said, deciding to play it off. This was already awkward enough, and there was no need to make it worse.

                “Mitchell, what are you doing back? I thought you were gone until tomorrow night,” mom said after an awkward pause.

                “Things came up. I might head out later tonight,” I said. I was either going to Rio’s house, or he was coming here. I’m sure that bipolar bastard would get a kick out of seeing Jace here.

                No one said anything, and Jace was eyeing me carefully, so I sat down. It took everything I had not to look over at Jace, to eye him the way he was eyeing me. I had to keep my composure. I couldn’t let my feelings for him overpower the memory of the hurt caused by his distrust.

                “Did you make enough for me? I’m starving,” I said.

                “Yea, here.” Dad slid food to me. ‘We made extra to heat up for lunch tomorrow, but you can just eat it for dinner now.”

                I put the food on my plate and looked up. I was barely clinging to my composure, seeing that all of them were still looking at me, desperately trying to keep my eyes away from Jace.

                “What? It’s not the second coming of Christ. It’s just me,” I said. My stomach was knotting up. I was so physically close to Jace again. I hadn’t seen him in nearly a year, and that killed me inside to know. So close to him.

                “So you’re in for the night?” mom asked, probably trying to bring the topic to a less awkward subject.

                I shrugged at her. “I don’t know. Like I said, I might go out later tonight.”

                I had to get it together. I couldn’t run from my own house just because Jace was here. I had to control my feelings and remind myself why I broke up with him in the first place. It would just hurt both of us if we got back together.

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