Prompt #2

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Prompt: Could you do what happened when Shane hit Mitch the car and how it happened? thanks! :)

A.N.- I hope you guys finally getting to see what happened the day Shane hit Mitch with the car XD



                Mitch appeared at the top of the stairs. “What?” he asked lazily.

                “You are such an asshole!” Shane snapped.

                Mitch raised an eyebrow. “We’ve established this before, Shane.”

                “You were texting off my phone!”  Shane said furiously.

                I snickered. Mitch had taken Shane’s phone and texted a bunch of girls, telling them how Shane and I were dating. Most of them actually believed the texts, thinking they were from Shane.

                “Was I? Hm…I don’t recall,” Mitch said, pretending to think about it.

                “I’ll get you back for it,” Shane growled. “You texted Cara!”

                Cara was the girl Shane wanted to go out with. But, now she thought he was in a gay relationship with me.

                “Yea Mitch, you’re ruining my reputation. I can’t have people thinking I’m a fag,” I said.

                “Aren’t you going to Max’s house? He hangs out with Cara a lot. I hope she’s there. You and her would make such a good couple…you know, if you weren’t dating Jace,” Mitch said innocently.

                “I’m going to get you back for this, you asshole,” Shane promised before grabbing my hand and dragging me outside.

                “We’re going to Max’s,” Shane grumbled to his parents. They were washing one of the cars together.

                “Alright. Don’t stay out too late. Or if you do, at least text us to let us know you’re alive,” Carol said.

                Mitch came outside and smirked at Shane. He went over, stopping in front of the car. “Mom, I’m going to Trevor’s house for a little,” he said.

                “Okay, you can take this car when we’re done washing it,” Carol said. “Just give us about five or ten minutes.”

                Shane and I got in the other car. Shane turned it on and texted for a second before stuffing his phone in his pocket.

                “Smug fucker,” Shane said in annoyance.

                Mitch looked over and his smirk came back to his face. He pointed at the two of us and made a thrusting motion with his body.

                “Oh, that’s it!” Shane snapped, shifting the car into drive and pressing on the gas.

                The car jerked forward and Mitch yelped as it collided with his body. He fell to the ground and my eyes widened in surprise that Shane had just done that.

                Shane and I looked at each other before bursting into laughter. Shane’s parents were screaming and hurrying over to help Mitch.

                Shane and I got out of the car and went around. Carol and Jasper were kneeling next to Mitch, who was rubbing his hip and groaning.

                He looked up at Shane and even he couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re such an idiot!” he cried, trying to stop his laughter. “Who hits someone with a car just because of a couple of text messages?!”

                “SHANE DANIEL MARION!” Carol exploded. “YOU FUCKING IDIOT!”

                Shane started laughing again, looking proud of himself. “That was my best work yet.”

                “GIVE ME YOUR CAR KEYS!” Carol snapped, standing up. She yanked them out of Shane’s hand and smacked him in the back of the head so hard he winced. “What the hell is wrong with you? You could’ve seriously hurt Mitch!”

                Jasper carefully helped Mitch up and pulled his shirt up, making a face at the nasty colors decorating Mitch’s hip. He pulled Mitch’s shirt down and kept his arm around Mitch to support him.

                “Seriously? Points for creativity, but seriously? You hit him with the fucking car?” Jasper said in annoyance. “You’re grounded, Shane.”

                “Totally worth it!” Shane said, crossing his arms and grinning triumphantly. “That’ll teach that bastard to take my phone.”

                Carol rubbed her temples. “I could shoot you. I might shoot you. Jasper, where’s your gun? I’m going to shoot him.” She turned to Mitch and pulled his shirt up, inspecting the bruise. “Oh, Mitchell, are you okay honey?”

                “Other than my possibly broken body, I’m fine,” he said.

                “You, go inside and sit in your room and don’t move or breath or talk or anything until I come in there to yell at you some more. You’re grounded,” Carol said flatly.

                “Yea, yea, yea,” Shane said. “I’d do it again.”

                “If you do it again I will strangle you with my bare hands!” Carol snapped. “Now get in your room!”

                Shane nudged me and I laughed. He turned and made his way inside as Carol and Jasper inspected Mitch again.

                Mitch looked up at me and sighed. “That was extremely painful. Kind of funny, but extremely painful.”

                I held my hands up innocently since Carol had switched into protective mama mode. “I didn’t put my foot to the gas, man. I was just in the passenger seat.” I grinned at him. “But I totally laughed.”

                “Oh, shut up,” Mitch said and laughed.

                “Boys are all idiots,” Carol groaned. “I hate every last one of you freaking idiots.”

                I glanced between the car and Mitch, and then the two of us started laughing again. Okay, so it had been totally worth it to hit Mitch with the car. 

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