Prompt #16

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Prompt: WIll you please write a kill the lights sickfic but just sick Mitch? with Carol, Jasper, Shane and Jace looking after him! Can he be extra cuddly with Jace please, lots of hair stroking :)

A.N.- This was requested by an anon on Tumblr! So I hope you like it :)


                There was a hacking cough from down the hallway. I glanced over at Carol and she sighed, standing up.

                “Come on Jace,” she said. “You’re the boyfriend. You’re as responsible for him as I am.”

                I jumped up and followed Carol down the hallway. Mitch had gotten a bad fever yesterday, and had been horribly sick ever since. Luckily, whatever he had, Shane and I had managed not to catch it despite the fact that Mitch and I had had sex a few hours before we realized how sick he was.

                He had fallen asleep about an hour ago, and Carol and I had decided to take a break and watch TV. Shane and Jasper had run to the store to buy some medicine, soup, and juice for Mitch.

                We opened his bedroom door and went inside. Mitch was huddled miserably on his bed, his body shivering so bad that I frowned at the sight of him.

                “Mitchy, do you feel any better after you slept?” Carol asked gently, going over to him and brushing his hair out of his face. His body was covered in sweat and his skin was burning, but he insisted on keeping covered in all of his blankets.

                “No,” he said, his voice weak. His eyes fell on me. “Jace.”

                I went over and gave him a comforting smile. “I’m right here,” I assured him.

                Mitch did not handle being sick well. He rarely ever got sick, so when he did catch something, he was basically on his death bed until it was over.

                “My throat hurts,” he whimpered and began another rough coughing fit. He leaned over, spitting into the bucket next to his bed.

                “Did you just spit out a lung?” I asked.

                “I think that was a ball of mucus,” Carol said.

                “That was gross,” I said.

                “Children were a horrible idea,” Carol said.

                “Mom, my throat hurts,” Mitch said again, curling up more and rubbing his throat.

                “I know. Dad ran to the store to get you some medicine,” she said, giving him a sympathetic look.

                “Jace,” he said, reaching out.

                I took his hand in mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere, Mitch. And if you die on me, I swear I’ll piss on your grave.”

                “Lay with me,” he said, his eyes pleading.

                I nodded and crawled into bed next to him, pulling him into my arms. He buried his face against my chest, still trembling violently. I stroked his hair and kissed his forehead.

                “If you live through this, I’ll make it worth your while,” I said.

                The front door opened and Carol rolled her eyes. “JASPER! Come give your son something for his throat before he coughs up another ball of mucus that could also have possibly been his lung!”

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