Prompt #33

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Prompt: A young Carol and Jasper

A.N.- This wasn't actually a requested prompt, I just really felt like writing teenage Carol and Jasper??? So here they are, probably around 17 years old or so


Carol didn't know what she hated more; the fact that Jasper Marion was an asshole, or the fact that he was a cute asshole.

She'd had the simultaneous pleasure and misfortune of befriending Jasper's sister, Mandy. As a result, she was now forced to see the insufferable boy more often.

Even now, Carol sat in the Marion living room with Mandy, the two of them playing cards. Jasper entered the room and smirked as he spotted them.

Carol shot him a warning glare. She wasn't afraid to smack him if he came over here to annoy them.

But his pale blue eyes lit up at the challenge and he walked over to them. He gave a hard tug on Mandy's braid, and she winced, glaring up at her brother.

"Jasper, cut it out!" she snapped.

Jasper was a pain in the ass. He liked to tease, but he was rough about it. He was good looking, but he was cocky about it. He acted like a rebel, but Carol knew Mr. and Mrs. Marion would whoop his sorry ass if they ever caught him drinking or getting high. Hell, she knew Mrs. Marion would shove a bar of soap down Jasper's throat if she heard the language he used.

"Don't be a bitch, Mandy. I barely tugged on it," Jasper said, pulling her braid even harder.

Carol got up and smacked Jasper's hand away. "Can't you tell when you're not wanted, or are you just that much of a damn idiot?"

Jasper laughed and kicked the cards away from the girls. "You guys are no fun."

"Go away, Jasper!" Mandy said, standing up and shoving her brother.

"Fuck off, Mandy," Jasper said, and shoved her harder.

Carol hit Jasper so hard that he stumbled and fell back on the couch, looking up at her in surprise. She crossed her arms.

"I don't like when people use that word," she said. "And don't shove Mandy, asshole."

Jasper hid his frustration with a grin. He wanted to talk to Carol, maybe tell her how nice she looked in the skirt she was wearing. But every time he tried to interact with her, he just got nervous and defaulted to being a total prick.

He'd considered asking one of his siblings for advice, but he knew they'd just make fun of him. Why was it so hard for him to just talk to Carol? She was only a bitch to him because he was constantly terrorizing her. She could be sweet, he just hadn't earned that privilege.

Carol knelt down and gathered up the cards off the floor. Jasper stood up, trying to ignore the glare he was getting from his sister.

"Hey, Carol," he said. This time he'd get it right. He'd tell her he liked the skirt, or that her dark hair looked nice today, or something that didn't involve him insulting her. He'd get it right and then he'd be more confident the next time.

"What?" Carol turned to face him.

Jasper felt his nerves eating him alive, and his mind blanked. He reached out without thinking and smacked the cards out of her hands, watching as they scattered around her to the floor. Horror welled up inside of him. Real smooth, asshole.

Carol clenched her fists. "Jasper Marion, I don't think I understood hate until I met you," she snapped.

"Jasper!" Mandy placed her hands on her hips. "I'm going to go downstairs and grab a new game for me and Carol to play. When I come back, you better be long gone, or I'll tell mom when she gets home and she'll beat your damn skin off."

Mandy stormed out of the room and down towards the basement. Carol knelt down to pick up the cards again, ignoring Jasper.

Jasper raked a hand through his hair before kneeling next to her and helping her gather the cards. "Sorry," he mumbled, not looking at her.

"Boys are such assholes," Carol said, and threw the cards she was holding at his face. "Pick those up while you're at it, idiot."

Jasper laughed a little. "I guess I deserved that."

Carol got up and seated herself on the couch. Jasper set the cards on the coffee table and stood up.

"Hey, Jasper? You suck at being a nice guy," Carol said.

"Oh fu-" He caught himself. "Screw you."

She grinned, just a little. "You wish you could have that pleasure."

Jasper returned the grin. "You're the one missing out."

She waved him away with her hand, and he took his leave. Maybe he could find a way to talk to her without pissing her off, if he could just match his teasing to hers. Nothing would make him happier.

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