Prompt #18

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Prompt: Mitch goes out with Trevor, Patrick and (if you want) Rio. They get in a fight with some random guys and Mitch goes home with a bad cut. Shane finds him and gets all worried and protective cause of how bad Mitch looks.


                I pushed my window open and crawled out of the house. I hurried over to the trailers, where Trevor, Patrick, and Rio were all sitting.

                “Hey,” I greeted, sitting down with them.

                “We’re going to wander around tonight. Maybe find a new place to hang out,” Trevor said, standing up and lighting a cigarette.

                “A nighttime adventure,” Rio said. “What could possibly go wrong?”

                “It beats sitting around,” I said, standing up. Rio and Patrick copied me and the four of us began to walk the quiet streets, keeping our eyes peeled for danger and for a new place to hang out.

                “I was thinking maybe the pavilion,” Trevor said.

                “Let’s head over there,” I said with a shrug.

                We started walking up that way, the smell of Trevor’s cigarette drifting back to us. Rio came up next to me and grabbed my wrist.

                He pulled his glasses off and cleaned them on his shirt. He put them back on and released my wrist.

                “I am not a guide dog,” I said.

                “Yes you are,” he said.

                “I am not,” I said, punching him in the arm.

                We jumped in surprise as we heard yelling. Next thing I knew, Trevor was being tackled to the ground, and several guys were rushing at us.

                I grabbed Rio and pulled him out of the way of one of the guys. We backed away together, adrenaline pumping through us as Patrick hurried over to help Trevor.

                Rio and I managed to fight off several guys. But then one ran at us, and oh god I could smell the alcohol coming off of him, and he had a knife in his hands.

                He swung it at us messily and I pushed Rio out of the way, yelping as he cut my arm. I staggered back as blood dripped down my arm.

                Rio glared at the guy and tackled him at the waist, bringing him down and kicking the knife out of his hands. He punched the guy furiously, anger rising in his eyes, his fists going furiously.

                “Rio!” I cried, dragging him off of the guy.

                Rio was breathing heavily. “How’s your arm?” he asked, shrugging me off.

                “I’ll be fine,” I said, but the cut was fairly deep. “I need to get home and wrap it.”

                Patrick and Trevor had managed to take out the other guys and they hurried over to us. We all took off before any of the guys could get back up.

                “I’m heading home,” I said as we neared my street.

                “I better get home too,” Rio said, and Trevor and Patrick nodded in agreement.

                I turned down my street and jogged home, hoping my parents weren’t back yet. They had gone out to a concert with friends, and had probably gone to the bar after.

                I crept in through the front door. If my parents saw the cut on my arm, they’d have heart attacks and never let me out of the house again.

                I snuck through the living room, nearing the bathroom. I cursed as Shane’s bedroom door opened and he appeared.

                “Why are you out so la- Mitch!” His eyes widened, landing on my arm.

                “We got in a little fight,” I said, glancing at my arm.

                He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom. He cleaned the cut for me and bandaged it securely.

                “Who did this to you?” he growled. “They came at you with a knife, didn’t they?”

                “I didn’t know the guys. I think Trevor and Patrick knew them,” I said. “It’s not a big deal, Shane.”

                “Mitch, they came at you with a knife!” he snapped. “They could have killed you!”

                I felt tired, from the fighting and from a lack of sleep. I knew there were probably some bruises on my face, because Shane kept staring at spots on my face.

                “Shane, get over it,” I said, standing up.

                “Mitchell Jacob Marion,” he said, sounding and looking scarily similar to our dad. “I’ll fucking kill you if you sneak out again before your arm is healed. And I mean that.”

                “Okay mom,” I said.

                “Mitch, you could’ve gotten seriously hurt or killed!” he said. He rubbed his temples. “Seriously, do you have a death wish?”

                “Possibly,” I said.

                “Mitch please,” he said, looking at me with serious eyes. “Please don’t go out until you’re healed. You always get hurt, but this was bad. This was really bad. That’s a pretty deep cut. Any deeper and you probably would’ve needed stitches.”

                “Shane I’m fine,” I said softly.

                He wrapped an arm around my neck, lightly choking me. “You are the biggest pain in the ass little brother,” he groaned.

                “You get worried about me,” I said, grinning and pinching his cheek.

                He smacked my hand away, blushing lightly. “Shut up. I can’t help it. You’re reckless.”

                “I’ll ease your mind and stay in until I’m healed,” I said, pushing him off of me and leaving the bathroom.

                “You better!” he called after me, and I grinned because Shane was a giant softy inside. 

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