Chapter 4: The Morning After

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Billie tried to roll over and discovered that he couldn't.

He opened his eyes to not only being blinded by the sun but to Tré Cool clinging to his waist, fast asleep.

Billie smiled a little and closed his eyes again before feeling an overwhelming wave of nausea. He groaned and tried to sit up but once again, was stopped by Tré. 

He shook him quickly and Tré mumbled.  "Dude get off I'm gonna hurl." Billie said quickly. "Tré!"

Tré sat up.  "Yeahwhat." He muttered.

Billie jumped up and ran to the bathroom, almost missing the toilet as he threw up. 

"Shit Billie, are you okay?" Tré came into the bathroom and knelt beside Billie, patting his back.

When Billie had finished, he slumped against Tré.

"Someone can't hold their alcohol." Tré said, laughing a little. 

"Ugh shut up." Billie mumbled, pulling himself up slowly and going to the kitchen and getting a coffee. He made Tré one and handed him it as Mike walked in the door. 

"Hey!" He smiled and walked into the kitchen. 

"Shut up." Billie and Tré moaned at the same time. 

"Hungover, are we?" Mike smirked. 

"Yes, now shut up." Tré said. They all went and sat on the couch, Mike on the floor next to them. 

"Daddy?" Ryan said, wandering into the room. 

"Hey baby girl." Mike smiled, picking her up and sitting her on his lap.

"Hey Uncle Billie. You okay?" Ryan said, shuffling over to Billie who was lying asleep with his head on Tré's shoulder. "Uncle Billie?" She asked, poking him. Billie sat up and looked at her. 

"Hey kiddo. Where's your brother?" He asked. 

"Brixton is with mom. She's picking me up soon because it's music practice day." Ryan said. 

"Not today Ry." Mike said. 

"Why daddy?" Ryan said, turning to Mike. 

"Billie and Tré don't feel good." Mike explained just as Brittney walked in with a very annoyed looking Brixton, who made his way over to Mike and climbed on his back. 

"What's up Brix?" Mike asked. 

"Mom won't buy me the game I want." Brixton whined. 

"You have enough games Brixton." Brittney sighed, picking Ryan up. "Hungover, guys?" She said, directing the question at Tré and Billie. They both nodded. 

"C'mon Brix, lets go buy you that game." Mike said, jumping up and running out with Brixton on his shoulders. 

"No Mike!" Brittney laughed and went to follow Mike. "See you, guys." She said, leaving with Ryan.   

Tré turned to Billie. "You hungry?" He asked. 

"Ugh, no. Don't mention food." Billie groaned, and lay his head on Tré's lap. Tré smiled and let his hand drop down to rest on Billie's head, stoking his hair softly.

"You'll make me sleepy." Billie yawned and fell asleep. Tré smiled and leaned down, kissing Billie's forehead. He felt a warm feeling inside and smiled, not being able to stop himself from leaning down again and pressing his lips against Billie's. He was about to pull away when he felt the most wonderful thing.  

Billie was kissing him back! Tré took advantage of this and deepened the kiss, wanting it to last. Suddenly he felt Billie jump and pull away. 

"Dude, why the fuck were you kissing me?" Billie said, but his eyes were a shade darker. 

"I uh.... I woke up and you were kissing me, man." Tré lied. 

"Oh. Sorry. Adrienne used to kiss me in my sleep, it's a habit." Billie said. 

"Its okay." Tré smiled. They looked at each other in the eyes and didn't say anything. 

Crystal blue eyes stared into hazel green eyes and they didn't move.   

They stayed like that for what felt like hours before they both pounced at the same time, attaching their lips to each others again, Tré moving to wrap his arms around Billie, Billie shuffling closer. After a while they leaned away from each other, breathless. Billie looked into Tré's eyes.

"...Why were you doin' that?" A voice said. Billie and Tré whipped around and saw a small blond girl standing in the doorway. Ryan. 

"We... we... why are you here?" Billie asked. 

"Daddy wants his pick. He left it here." Ryan said. Billie handed it to her and smiled.

"Thanks uncle Beej!" She grinned and left again, going to the car and handing Mike his pick. 

"Thanks baby." Mike smiled and put the pick away. "Did you say hi to uncle Billie and Tré?" He asked her as she buckled up. 

"Yeah. They were being weird." Ryan said as Mike pulled away. 

"What do you mean Ry? How were they being weird?" Mike asked, looking in the mirror at the backseat. 

"They were doing that thing you and Mommy do." Ryan said, looking out the window. 

"...Uh, what thing?" Mike said, being careful. Had she walked in on him and Brittney?

"The thing where you touch each other." Ryan said. Mike widened his eyes. 

"Unm, touch where?" Mike asked, watching her in the mirror. 

"Here." Ryan said, pressing her finger to her mouth. Mike breathed a sigh of relief. 

"You mean kissing?" Mike asked. 

"That's it!" Ryan said, nodding. 

"Oh." Mike said, pulling around the corner. He went food shopping and then Ryan needed new shoes, and then he needed to pick up Brittney's pills. By the time he'd done all that, it was nearly midnight.

He buckled Ryan back up and started to drive home. After a while Ryan dropped off, leaving Mike to think.   

They were kissing? That doesn't make sense.   

He pulled into the driveway and got out, balancing Ryan on his hip as she slept. She lay her head on his shoulder as he made his way into the house.   

Brittney came out of the kitchen, smiling. 

"Hey baby." She said, kissing Mike.

"Hey. Ry fell asleep. I'm gonna take her to bed." Mike said. 

"Oh shit, it's way past her bedtime. She must be exhausted." Brittney sighed.

"Yeah. I'll be right back." Mike whispered as he headed upstairs, to Ryan's room. He tucked her in and kissed her head, going to Brixton's room. 

"Night buddy." He said, going over to a sleeping Brixton and kissing his head, tucking him in.   

He went downstairs to Brittney and collapsed next to her on the couch. 

"Long day, hm?" She laughed and Mike nodded. "Feet up." She ordered and he pulled his feet off the floor and lay them in her lap. She untied his old black and white converse and slipped them off. "You need new shoes." She said.  "Nah." He replied, sitting up. She kissed his shoulder softly and he rested his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes.  "Y'know, the kids are asleep." She smirked. 

"So's the husband." Mike replied and Brittney laughed, dragging him up the stairs to bed. 

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