Chapter 15: Error

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This 'test' relationship.

It had nearly been a week, and we were loving it. Only Mike and Brittney knew, and Tre and I liked it that way.

But they say all good things had to come to an end.

After that week was up, I figured Tré and I would continue to have a relationship and see where we went from there, but it just... stopped working.

He was being unreasonable and apparently I was being a dick.

We were currently arguing, Mike in the middle of the argument.

"I didn't fucking say that!" I yelled.

"Yeah you fucking did! Mike didn't he say that drum beat was shit?" Tré asked as Mike rolled his eyes.

"No comment." He muttered.

"Exactly! I didn't say that! Why are you being so unreasonable? Jesus!" Tré glared at me.

"Why are you being a prize dick?"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Alright!" Mike yelled. "Can you both not? Like what the fuck guys? What happened to you both? You used to be so good together."

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"Billie this isn't working out." Tré sighed.

"I know." I replied, looking down at my feet.

"So... we're just friends?" Tré asked, and I nodded in response.

And that was it.


*2 weeks later*

Being just friends with Tré wasn't too bad actually, we were doing fine.

He even offered to get me ice cream.

"Sure, thanks man." I smiled.

"No problem, I need a coffee anyway." He flashed me a smile and hopped off the bus and I closed my eyes.


I was woken up from a nice sleep a while later to my phone ringing. I answered it when I didn't recognise the number.


"Billie Joe Armstrong?"


"Hello sir, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your friend, Frank Wright has got into a car accident. I'm sorry, he passed away an hour ago."

I widened my eyes and dropped the phone, shaking my head as the news sunk in.

Tré was dead.

And then I screamed, and I didn't stop.

Not when Mike looked up, not when he hugged me tight and asked what was wrong. I couldn't stop.

He didn't understand.

The next few days were a mess of crying, sleepless nights and funeral arrangements.

I knew what to do, I was going to the funeral, obviously.

But as soon as I'd been to the funeral, I was done with everything.

This whole thing was my fault.

As soon as I had a rope, I set to figure out how to tie a noose.

As soon as I could tie a noose, I needed something to hang from.

As soon as I found the ceiling fan to hang from, I needed a chair.

And just like that, I was ready. Mike was none the wiser.

So I tied the noose around my neck and stood on the chair, tying the other side to the ceiling fan.

All I needed to do was kick the chair.

I took a deep breath, tears running down my face as I thought about Tré and how I'd let him down.

Then I kicked the chair.


I sucked in a huge breath, sitting bolt upright and bursting into tears straight away.

My neck was tight, I couldn't breathe. I was sweating and shaking.

Mike looked up. "Beej?" He ran to me and made me look at him. "Breathe with me. 1, 2, 3, just like that."

I copied his breaths and then collapsed against him, crying on his shirt.

He frowned, rubbing my back.

"What happened?"

"Tré....died....hung....myself." I choked out, and Mike nodded and kept rubbing my back.

To anyone else, I would seem crazy. But Mike knew what I meant.

"You're okay Bill." Mike muttered in my ear, as Tré sauntered in. I ran to him, clinging to him as tight as I could and burying my face in his neck, breathing in his scent. He chuckled and rubbed my back.

"Well hi." I shook my head and checked him all over for signs of injury. He looked okay but I was crying again.

"You're not aloud to drive anymore." I mumbled into his neck. I expected him to question me and call me weird, but he wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him.

"I won't."

*A/N* There we go, an update. Now my friend will stop pestering me for maybe a week. Yeah hi Chloe. Hope you's liked it :)

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