Chapter 17: Shut The Fuck Up

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I woke up in Tre's arms. Feeling content, I closed my eyes once again and let myself totally relax.

But then the door was opened and Mike was with us.

He shoved an pushed cereal box in my face.

"We have a disaster. Someone ate the last of my cereal and that someone is going to go and buy me some. Right. Now." Mike eyed us suspiciously.

"I don't like cereal." Tré piped up as he rubbed his eyes. Mike froze and gave him an evil look.
"We'll discuss that later. Billie?" He turned to look at me.
"I don't eat breakfast." I said truthfully.

Mike looked down at the empty box with a face of confusion.

"Mikey did you eat the cereal?" Tré asked, and Mike pouted and nodded.
"...It seems like it."


So that's how I ended up in a car with Tré, on our way to the store to get cereal for Mike.

Well I didn't want him to go alone.

When we got to the store, we got a basket and headed straight for the breakfast aisle.

"It was those fruit things wasn't it?" Tré asked, and I nodded and got a few boxes. We walked around the corner and found ourselves in the toy aisle.

"Aw, look at this unicorn thing." Tré said, petting it. I picked it up and made it kiss him and he giggled, kissing it back.

"I want it." Tré whined. "Pleasey?"

I sighed and put it in the basket. Tré smiled big and threw his arms around me, kissing me.

When he pulled away, we both froze for what felt like a century.

"...Anyway." I broke the silence, walking off to pay for everything.

The car ride home was silent, which was slowly killing me.

Why did he do that?

When we got home, I walked over to Mike who was sitting on one of our beat up couches and handed him one of the boxes, before going to the kitchen and storing the rest in the cupboard.

When I came back, Tré was lying on the other couch looking at the unicorn toy.

He felt it too.

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