Chapter 10: Done With Men

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Mike made his way up the street to Billie's, the plan in his head being to ask him about a few bassline ideas and shit.

And of course, he was going to try to bring up the subject of Billie and Tré.

But when he got to the door, he knocked and there was no answer. A quick scan of the yard revealed that Billie's car was there, so he was home.

Mike knocked for a few minutes before gently pushing on the door. It opened and he froze.

The feeling of worry spread through him as he looked into Billie's house and decided to just go in.

He stepped in and looked around, before taking a few careful steps toward the kitchen.

He was about to go and check upstairs when he heard a noise coming from the living room. He poked his head around the door and widened his eyes at what his eyes met with.

Billie was there, and he was curled up in a ball and crying.

Mike went over and kneeled next to him, but Billie was facing the back of the couch, looking away from Mike.

Mike knew what this was about.

"Beej?" He said, poking Billie's shoulder gently. "Billie." Billie didn't move and kept crying. "C'mon." Mike said softly, and Billie sat up and fell into Mike's arms.

"M'done w-with relationships." Billie said, burying his face against Mike's chest.

"Really? What happened?" Mike asked. But Billie didn't answer this time, and just stayed where he was. Mike let him stay like that for a few minutes to calm down before standing up and tugging him gently to the kitchen, sitting him at the table and getting him some water.

"Thank you." Billie mumbled, taking a sip.

"You're welcome." Mike replied, sitting opposite Billie.

Billie stayed silent as he stared down at his water, never making eye contact once.

"Why didn't you call someone if you were upset?" Mike finally asked into the silence, but Billie didn't answer. "Does Tré know?" Mike asked carefully, and Billie tensed up.

"No. No he doesn't." He said in a cold voice.

"Why not?" Mike asked, looking up at him as Billie stood up.

"Call Tré and tell him that practice is on today, and to be here in 10 minutes." He said, before walking upstairs.


When Tré arrived, he said hello but only made eye contact with Mike. He was scared to look at Billie.

Tré was sitting at his drums and Mike standing, his bass in his hands as always. Billie had his guitar and a mic, which he kept adjusting, insisting he was tall enough to make it higher (he wasn't).

Billie stood still while Tré sat, but Mike paced. Something wasn't right between them. He set his bass down and made his way to the door but Billie's voice made him freeze.

"Where are you going?"

"Bathroom." Mike replied, gesturing to the door.

"No. We're supposed to be practicing." Billie said, but Mike saw Billie look over at Tré for a second, before pointing to Mike's spot on the floor.

"Seriously? I can't pee now?" Mike asked, folding his arms.

"You can pee after practice." Billie said simply.

"I want to go now." Mike shot back.

Billie rolled his eyes. "Fine. Be quick."

"Yes sir." Mike muttered before leaving.

Billie felt the silence take over the room once again now that Mike was gone. It was just him and Tré. Billie cringed at the silence between them and started playing chords randomly, turning the amp up.

Anything to fill the silence.

"Bill. Billie!" Tré shouted over the sound, and Billie muted the guitar. The silence appeared again.

"Yeah?" Billie asked.

"We need to talk." Tré said, standing up and walking over to face Billie.

"A-alright." Billie choked.

"What happened between us was a one time thing, okay? We need to stop letting it fuck up one of the best friendships in the world. I don't wanna lose you because of one stupid night." Tré said, keeping eye contact the whole time. He was serious.

"I- I don't wanna lose you either." Billie said quietly.

Tré nodded and both of them stayed that way, just looking over each others faces and not moving. And then Tré kissed him. Billie figured there was no point pretending he didn't want to kiss back, so he did, just as Mike walked in.

"Oh for the love of-. You leave them for one minute. Jesus christ." Mike muttered before walking in, picking his bass up.

"GUYS." Mike yelled, and they separated quickly. "What the hell is this?! That's twice I've walked in on that!"

Billie looked at Tré but said nothing.

"Dunno." Tré replied quietly.

"Well you sure as hell gotta figure it out. You're both lying to yourself, and each other." Mike said, putting his jacket on. "Call me when this is over." He threw the bass on his shoulder and walked out.

Tré turned to Billie.

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